32 (Sarah)

15 3 4

We walked through the main doors after giving the tickets up, and i gasped in shock. It was huge! The seats went in a circle aroung the center stage. There were people everywhere!

"What seats are ours," angel asked me.

"Numbers 6 and 7," i said smiling.

"They must have paid a lot of money for those tickets."

"Yup. but we didnt have to, thank god. Otherwise we'd be wayyyyyy over there," i said pointing to the far back.

"True. i hope we dont get hungry later in the concert cause there is no way we can leave and come back to our chairs untouched," she told me.

"Angel, we just had McDonald's."

"Im talking about later on in the show."

"Oh my god angel."

We found our seats and sat down. The people on stage were setting up props and things. This was going to be the best concert ever.

Finally, after half an hour of waiting, the lights dimmed, and smoke seeped from the stage. Everyone started to scream. Somebody started yelling "6ix9ine" then everyone was yelling it. It turned into a chant. I got my phone out and opened snapchat. I started to record, and faced the camera toward Angel. She did a peace sign and winked at the camera. She leaned back and puffed out her chest so her boobs looked bigger. I wanted to tell her Jahseh would totally approve her outfit, but i didnt want to upset her. I sent the video to everyone on my snap and i tagged diego. I wondered if i could get 6ix9ine's snap.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing...6ix9ine," a person on stage yelled into the microphone. Everyone went nuts. Angel and i yelled out. 6ix9ine walked on stage and waved his hands in the air.

"How we doin' tonight," he asked in the microphone. Everyone yelled. Angel and i gave two thumbs up, not that he even noticed. He started to sing "Kooda" and people sang along. I mainly just recorded.

He went through all his songs, and it was past 1 in the morning.

"I got a big suprise for ya'll," he said into the mic. "I got someone very special to comme out, course i had to give her a favor," he winked, " so why dont you come out Nicki."

Now it was my turn to go nuts. I absolutly love Nicki Minaj. If i were bi or les, i would totally smash her. She walked out wearing a blue bra, a light blue mini skirt, and big blue heels. She had long blonde hair to go with the outfit. She was beautiful.

"Ya'll wanna hear some fefe," she asked. Everyone yelled, myself included.

They started singing and angel and i sang along.

"HIT IT FROM THE BACK BACK BACK! TURN AROUND AND MAKE IT ---," 6ix9ine put the mic in the audeince's direction and everypne clapped there hands three times. I made sure to record that part. I noticed diego had texted me.

DiegoBoi: hey..i know ur @ the cocert. I just wanna make sure you safe. Love you. Btw i have great news. Fantastic news.

Awe. i decided once everything was over, i'd text him. Once the song ended, eveyone knew it was over.

"Thank ya'll so much for coming out and enjoying the show. I love you guys," 6ix9ine said into the mic. Everyone started to walked towards the exit.

"That was amazing! Oh my gosh. Where do we go to get back stage," angel asked me.

"I think we follow them," i said pointing to a group of girls going the opposite direction of everyone else. We started walking and sure enough, those girls were going backstage.

"Hey. im Amber. This is Holly, Tori, Taylor, Heather, Ashley, Alexis, Breanna, and Molly," the leader of the group said when she noticed me and angel following them.

"Im Sarah and this is Angel."

AMber eyed us suspiciously.

"Are you going back stage?"

"Yes. are you guys going back there too?"

"Of course," amber said. I could tell she was a major bitch. I already didnt like her.

"Follow us."

"Lead the way," i said with a sarcastic smile.

They started walking.

"Did diego text you," angel asked me.

"Ya. he just wants to make sure i am safe."

"Wait, what DIego," one of the girls in front of us asked me.

"DIego Leanos," i said confidently.

"Oh my gosh, Amber, isn't that your ex," the girl asked.

"Yes. he was a total dick. He never did anything for me. He cheated on me, thats why i am not with him anymore," she said, still walking. Now i hate her even more.

"Diego buys Sarah stuff all the time," Angel said. Sometimes she never know when to shut up.

"Good for her."

We walked in silence.

"We are here," amber said in a flat tone.

"Okay. thanks for leading the way. Have a good life," i said as i dragged Angel around them and walked through the double doors. There was no one else in there. We were in a gigantic room with a couch, and a big vanity.

"I don't think this is the backstage area. I think we are in a dressing room. Sarah, i think we're in 6ix9ine's dressing room," Angel whispered to me. A little dog started barking and ran towards us. It was fluffy and orange.

"Is that the dog from the "Fefe" music video," ANgel asked as i picked up the adorable little thing.

"Sure is." the doggie licked my face. "Well, i think he's still at the meet and greet, so why dont we explore a lil bit?"

"Snooping? Sarah, what if we get caught?"

"Not with all those girls our there waiting for him."

"Okay. but if we get caught, i am gonna be so mad."

"We probably wont find anything anyway."

I opened a drawer and there was only a hair brush with the number "69" on it.

"I found something. A bunch a condoms," angel said. I started to laugh. Then she started to laugh with made me laugh harder.

"Okay, shhh. Some is gonna hear us," i giggled.

Then, we heard the door knob twist.

Love yall<3 \(*-*)/

This chapter is dedicated to Michael (if you made it this far). Hi. 

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