35 (Angel)

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We got off the plane and i rushed into the bathroom. I ran into a stall, locked it, and unleashed. I cried for 20 minutes straight. My face was quite red and blotchy when i couldn't cry anymore. I walked out and saw Sarah sitting on top of the counter on her phone.

"I texted Diego. He is in the parking lot waiting for us," she informed me. I washed my hands and we walked out. We spotted Diego's new blue car.

He got out and gave Sarah a big hug. I looked anywhere but at them. Tears threatened to spill over.

"Hey Angel," he said, walking over to me and taking me in his arms. I could easily tell why Sarah took deep breaths when they embraced. He smell extremely nice. "How you been?"

"Heartbroken. I fucked up so so bad Diego."

"Itll be okay. He's been asking for you, you know?"

"Really? Whats he said," i asked as we got into the car.

"He keep saying he wants to see the pretty girl he saw," he said looking in the rear view mirror, smiling.

"Can you drop my off at the hospital. I need to see him right now."

"Of course. Listen, me and Sarah won'y be staying long okay? I want to show her something at my house."

"I don't care. I thing I'll stay with Jahseh until he is released anyway. Don't worry about me."

"You sure," Sarah turned into the seat and asked me.

"Of course."

We got to the hospital and we walked up to the receptionist.

"I am here to see Jahseh Onfroy," i told her. She gave me a suprised look.

"Your relationship," she asked.

"I'm his girlfriend," i said and recieved another suprised look.

"He was moved to room 38, floor 1," she said looking at her computer.

"Thank you," i said and turned to Sarah and Diego. "You guys are free to go home. I have my cloths. If i get hungry, there are plenty of places around for me to go to and get food."

"Okay. Good luck with jahseh. I will call you later or tomorrow. Love ya," Sarah said giving me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks Mom," I said, making her crack a smile. They walked out and i went to Jahseh's room. I peeked in and seen him in a wheel chair looking out the window. I had tears in the brink of my eyes. I stepped in.

"I dont want anymore nasty ass hospital food. Its gross and i have said this to you before," he said without turning around. He must have thought i was the nurse. I smiled to myself. He really hasn't changed that much so far. I walked toward him and stopped right behind him.

"Hey," i whispered. He turned around and gasped. He stood and crushed me into his chest. His warm arms around me felt like home. It was home.

"Your more beautiful in person," he whispered in my ear. He kept me in his arms for at least 5 minutes, not loosing his grip. When he finally pulled away, he had tears streaming down his face. I lifted my hand and stroked them away. He stared in my eyes, searching for something.

"Your really her," he whispered. I had no clue what he meant.

"You remember me," i asked softly.

"I remember parts of you. Of us. But some things are still fuzzy. I remember the first time you texted me. I remember the first time we kissed," he said. He led me to the bed. He sat me down and held my hands.

"Tell me exactly what you remeber," i said, never breaking eye contact.

"I remember the first time we fucked, how alive it made me feel" he said making me turn crimson. "I remember your sweet smell. I rememeber your soft, kind, beautiful blue eyes. I rememeber my love for you." He pulled me back onto the bed where my head was on him.

His body was so warm.

"Do you remember my love for you?"

""Yes, i do."

"Do you know when you'll get outta here?"

"Hopefully tomorrow," he said grinning.


"I love you. I know i loved you before."

"I love you. Listen, there is something i need to tell you. You have to promise not to get mad."

"I promise."

"Do you remember Tekashi 6ix9ine?"

"Sort of. His name rings a bell but i cant get a face."

"Well, me and my best friend, Sarah, went to his most recent concert. We stayed after, and he invited us to a near by bar for a drink. Sarah went home because she really doesnt drink, at least not like i do. Anyway, i got a little bit more drunk than needed. Tekashi was still with me and we..kinda....messed around...."

"I forgive you. I wasnt there to satisfy your sexual needs."

"Your not mad?"

"Of course im mad but i understand."

I looked up at him and thought deeply for a moment. If it were the opposite, i dont know if i would have forgive him so easily. 

"What are you thinking about," he asked me casually.

"Just how soft your skin looks. How light your eyes are."

"Take a nap with me," he said, nuzzling into my hair. We got more comfy and i did drift into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up, shocked to see it was 10:45am the next day. I looked around for Jahseh, but i couldn't find him. I was tempted to run through the halls yelling him name. He then came out of the little bathroom and gave me a crooked grin.

"What," i asked.

"I get released today. Actually in a few minutes. I already called a uber to get us. We should be getting out the door right about now, but i wanted to let you sleep as long as possible."

"Very thoughtful of you," i smiled at him.

We signed more papers at the front office, and he was officially free. We had to direct the uber around the side of the hospital because someone leaked into instagram that Jahseh was coming home today.

We stepped out and i heard him inhale the fresh air. I giggled at him. We got in the car and i held his hand the whole way home.


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