37 (Jahseh)

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(back at Jahseh's house)

I couldn't help but look at her. She is beautiful. She has the bluest eyes ever, and the softest lips. I lean back and play with her hair. She looks at me and smiles. I lean forward and place my hand under her chin and kiss her. I wanted the kiss to last Forever. Her lips moved against mine in perfect harmony. She pulled away and blushed. I looked into her eyes, noticing a few light blue streaks in her eyes. I tug her hair back just a tiny bit and she takes her bottom lip between her teeth. I feel my pants tighten. Even though she didn't look down, she knew what was happening to me. She leaned forward and kissed me again. But when she pulled away, she had my bottom lip between her teeth.

"Fuck this shit," I whispered. I  picked her up off the couch and she wrapped her legs around my waist, my face between her hands. She threw her head back in laughter when I laid her on the bed. I kissed her lips, then made my way down, biting softly and sucking gently. I ran my hands up her shirt. She quickly took it off. My fingers trailed the top of her jeans, before slipping inside them. I heard her gasp. I smiled to myself. My index finger circled her clit, a small moan coming out. I slipped in two fingers and her hands pulled my hair gently. I pulled my fingers out and she watched as I licked them slowly. I got up and took off my shirt and pants where I was standing in front of her in my boxers. She slipped off her pants and she laid there in her black laced thong. I bent down in front of her and kissed her inner thigh. I pulled her I underwear down. She squirmed a little bit, obviously self conscious of her body. She was beautiful though. I bent down and flicked my tongue out. Her legs flinched. I pushed my tongue further in. I moved it around, making her really wet.

"Jah..I'm gonna cum," she said.

Right before she did, I removed my tongue and pulled out my dick. I messaged her nub with my tip. She moaned loudly. I bent down and kissed her. Mid kiss I slipped it in and she gasped and I pushed my tongue in and fought with hers. She was tight. I felt herself struggle to stretch to my size. She screamed when I pushed all the way in. She was warm and wet.

"Holy fuck," she screamed. Her nails dug in my back. I moaned in pain but it felt so good. I thrusted in and out, her moaning getting louder and louder. I felt her released beneath me. I kept going, but it was sloppy. Finally, I came, my cum shooting through her. She was panting, sweaty. I kissed her. She pulled away, still having to catch her breath.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she responded.

"What do you wanna do know?"

"Shower, wanna join me?"

"Of course."

We took a hot shower, I washed her and she washed me. Her hands on my body felt amazing. We got out, she put on a orange laced thong from her drawer and she got one of my shirts. She looked gorgeous. I slipped on some boxers. She laid down and turned the TV on.

"Whatcha wanna watch," she asked.

"Um.. anything you want."

"How about... I don't know.. Bird Box?"

"Sure," I agreed, not even knowing what that was. I laid down next to her and held her. She snuggled close to me. I could hear her heart beat, a steady soft thump. She fell asleep in the first 10 minutes of the movie. I turned it off and fell asleep with her.

I am so sorry for not updating.. Caitlin was pushing me forever to update. This is for Kam❤️ and Caitlin who decided for me that it HAD to have smut😂 I love y'all😘

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