26 (Jahseh)

14 2 1

(before the incident)

Angel and i went upstairs to have some fun. I laid her on the bed and stood up.

"Ill be right back, imma get us some coke," i told her.

"Okayy. hurrry back though,"she said, slurring her words a bit. I definetly dont like seeing her tipsy or drunk. I doubt she can hold her alcohol.

I ran downstairs and got to red cups filled up with coke, no vodka, and ran back upstairs. I walked into the room and she was laying there, passed out. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I set the cups down and walked over to her. I pulled her shirt down and lifted her up. I slung her over my shoulder and walked back downstairs. I set her down on the couch and call an uber. It arrives 10 minutes later and takes us back to my house.

I lay her on my bed and undress her, figuring she'd be more comfortable in pjs. I get in mt pjs, and lay beside her. She smells so delicious. I hold her close, afraid she'll vanish into thin air. I love Angel. She is so amazing. She warms my heart so much. I cant remember what life was like without her.

I set an alarm for 7:30 am. I then drift off to an enchanting dream.

"Jahseh, no. lets go on the ferris wheel. Its so romantic," Angel whispered in my ear.

"Okay. only cuz it is romantic."

She led me to the entrance of the ferris wheel. She stopped behind the couple in front of us and turned around with a grin on her face. She is so adorable.

We finally stepped up to get strapped in. then we took off. It was beautiful. The night was dark and the city lights were bright. We reached the top and Angel asked if we could take a picture together. I turned and smiled at her, but she wasnt there. She was replaced with emptiness.

"ANGEL! ANGEL WHERE ARE YOU," i yelled, but there was no response.

I looked down and saw her hanging onto one of the bars. She was screaming for help. I tried to tell her im gonna get her but no sound came out. I tried reaching for her but when i looked at my hands, the were tied to the opposite bar. She kept slipping and i couldn't save her. Then, her hand fell from the bar and she floated down. This time when i reached for her, i was able to but she was too far. I jumped over, not wanting to lose her. As soon as i was over, i looked up and she was sitting ther, strapped in as if she never fell. But i did fall over, and kept falling. I watched as she grabbed at me with a panicked look.

Then, she faded and it was dark all around me.

I woke up in a cold sweat. My whole shirt was soaked with sweat. I looked around for Angel and she was laying right beside me. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She didnt stir.

I got out of bed and look at the time. Five more minutes and my alarm would have went off. I shut it off and decided to take a nice, hot shower.

I was out the door in less than ten minutes. As i drove to my destination, i thought of my dream, how weird it was. How real it was.

I want to get Angel a promise ring. Something that represent my promise to her. My promise to love her forever and ever.

When i got to the jewelry shop, it was about 8:20. I walked in, thankful they opened hella early.

"Buenos dias, senor," the man behind the counter greeted me.

"Ingles, por favor," i replied. I know french, but not that much spanish.

"Yes sir. What are you looking for this fine morning?"

"I have a girlfriend at home. I don't want a engagement ring yet so dont get to happy. I want a promise ring."

"Right over here, sir. You'll see this amazing selection of different shaped diamonds, rubys, beryls, garnets, opals, topaz stones, jade, and many more. If you dont want any gems in you ring, then look in this section, where the silver and gold are.

"I want to look at the opals with a silver ring."

"Good choice. They are right here. There are many different shapes and colors. Please, just look aroung until you find something."

"Thank you."

I loooked at the different shapes. There were heart shaped opals,oval, square, circle, and rectangular shaped opals. They were gorgeous. Like Angel.

"Excuse me sir, i have found the one i want."

"Okay. whats the number below it?"


"Good choice!"

He opened the back and took out the ring. I was amazing. It is a heart shaped opal with a silver ring. Angel is definetly gonna love this.

"Whats the cost?"

"It is a bit pricey. Its 875 dollars."

I took out my credit card and swiped it on the swipper thingie.

"Would you like it in a box?"

"Yes sir."

"What color? We have blood red, sky blue, black, silver, and white."

"I think white will be fine."

"Thank you, sir. Come again."

"Hopefully i will, but it will be for something way different."

"Good day sir."

"Thank you," i said and walked out. I am glad i got this for her. She is gonna love it.

I started my car and turned the radio up. "Fefe" by 6ix9ine and Nicki Minaj started playing in my speaker. I bobbed my head with the beat and pulled out of the parking lot.

The song changed when i stopped at a red light. "I Like It" be Cardi B began, and i drove forward.

Then, i decided to get McDonalds for breakfast. I could see Angel grinning at me. I pulled into the parking lot and stepped out. Then, i heard a loud bang. I fell backwards, though i didnt know why. My chest started feeling warm. Very warm. I looked down and saw a deep red liquid spread through my light green shirt.

Then, everything went black.

Hey. sorry for da cliff. I hope yall enjoyed this. I did. I love writing my book. Imma try and update at LEAST 3 times a week. Maybe more. I wont be updating over the weekend. Thats MY time, sorry. I love you guys so much. If you went and followed Booklyngirl1026 please comment down below that you did, and if you do, ill follow you<3. Ok, well, keep your eye out my next update sweethearts<<<<3

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