13 (sarah)

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I woke up to Diego snoring. I smiled to myself. I reached over to the night stand and grabbed my phone. Well I thought it was my phone. It was his. I turned it on to see what time it is, only to find several text messages. I typed in his password since he told me. I clicked on the message app. Apparently the girls name is "Nikki". Such a white trashy name. I clicked on the messages.


Nikki: miss ya baby

Nikki: cant wait to see ya again!

Nikki: do you know how long you'll be gone?

Nikki: ughhh I want you rn!!!!

Nikki: you havin fun?

Nikki: kinda lonely in Cali without you

Nikki: can you at least respond to my texts?!

I stared at the messages in shock. I couldn't believe he was doing another girl while talking with me! Ugh. I got and and went downstairs. I grabbed my little air horn in the hallway closet. I was only supposed to use it for big occasions. Well, this'll do for a big occasion. A big occasion of Diego getting put of my house! I stormed upstairs and right into my room. He is lucky I'm not a butt otherwise I'd blow it right in his ears. I'd say about 3 feet from his head I pressed the button. It let out a long and loud honk. He shot up right.

"WHAT THE HELL SARAH," Diego screamed at me.

"I could ask you the same thing!"

"What are you talking about?"

"How about.. i dunno.. Nikki?"


"Nikki was texting you since you've been here!"

"My ex?"

"Why are you asking me? I don't know! All I know is she wants you so bad," I said, making sure I exaggerated the words so bad.

"You think you can just play me like that! Well you can't and i want you out of my house by 12 pm."

"Won't you just let me explain?!"


"Nikki is my ex. She keeps thinking we are together, even though I ended it five months ago. She texts me every single day, just hoping to get back together. I keep telling her no. She just doesn't understand. I've told her I have you and it's like she doesn't even hear me say that."

When he finished he looked up at me. I could see the truth in his eyes.

"Okay." I want quite sure what to say.

"I'm so sorry. I should have told you sooner."

"It's okay. I understand how ex's are."

"I like you a lot," he whispered.

My cheeks got warm. I looked at him and smiled. Ugh, it this what "love" is supposed to feel like? He laid down and kept smiling at me. I grabbed my phone and got a picture of him.

sarah_love: my lil baby❤️luv ya!!!!!2,164 likesComments disabled

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sarah_love: my lil baby❤️luv ya!!!!!
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"Get ready Sarah cuz i got a big day planned ahead," he whispered in my ear.

"Okay. What should I wear?"

"Whatever you want." Je got up and walked downstairs.

Great. I have to pick outfit for something i have no clue about. Ugh.

I went with this.

After I was ready, I walked downstairs and showed off my outfit

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After I was ready, I walked downstairs and showed off my outfit.

"Damn lil ma," Diego said, walking up to me.

"You look so good I might just take you right here, right now. But we have to wait til later." He said. He leaned in and gave me a small kiss. His lips were so soft.

"So where to first Diego?"

"You'll see baby."

Well, that is such useful information.


Hey guys! This is such a short chapter. Trust me I know. I have to build up suspension. Plus I wanted to update before bed. Just please remember i love y'all so so so so much!!!!!❤️😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😍😘❤️😍😘

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