23 (diego)

44 4 4

(before the incident...)

Sarah got up and went to the kitchen. 

"aye man...you got lucky, so don't mess it up," Arnold told me.

"i know. she is so good to me. i love her to death man," i said, letting a small chuckle out. 

"so don't screw up."

i took what he said to heart. i am glad i got friends like this. we sat back, passed around a blunt and some Hennessy. we shared some laughs and a few arguments about who had the better shoes. 

"i think im gonna go get some coke. ill be right back," i said to the group while getting up.

i walked into the kitchen, searching for Sarah. i couldn't find her anywhere. i looked in the bathroom, wasn't there either. i made my way upstairs. to my right, a guy came out, zipping up his pants. i couldn't help but chuckle. i opened 3 bedroom doors, no Sarah. i was heading back downstairs when i heard violent screams, like someone was getting murdered. i ran to the bedroom that the screams were coming from.  i burst in and seen a girl tied up on the bed. all her hair was in her face. 

"h-help m-me," the girl whimpered.

"hey..its gonna be okay. its gonna be okay," i whispered, trying to comfort her. 

i walked over, and the closer and closer i got, the more i recognized the girl. 

"d-diego..please h-help me," she stuttered. 


i sat down on the edge and immediately untied the rope. She held her wrists after that. The skin was so raw and there was dried blood on her. I undid the knots at her ankles, which were the same as her wrists. Raw. Bloody. She pulled the sheet over her naked body.

"Diego. Get me my c-cloths please," she pleaded. 

"Where are they?"

"over there," she said, pointing to the corner. i had to search for most of the clothing though. i handed her the non-ripped underwear but the tiny dress was ripped. i went to the closet, not caring, and grabbed a random shirt. i tossed it to her and she slipped it on. 

"i dont have any bottoms," she whispered. 

"um...do you got anything in the car?"

"i dont think so."

"well...i can look for shorts or whatever in one of the other rooms."

"okay. hurry please.."

i ran out and opened the door across the hall. thankfully it was empty. i opened the drawers and they were full of pants. i grabbed some and walked back to Sarah.

"whats the size on those," she asked.

"Umm.....a small..will they work?"


she pulled them on and got up. she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me and cried into my shoulder.

"its gonna be okay," i told her. i didn't really know what to say. i have never loved a girl so much, then have her get raped because i wasn't watching her. i brought her to this party. its my fault. if i had just kept my eyes on her. 

"can we just leave," she asked.

"of course. do you wanna just go home or do you want me to take you somewhere away from here," i asked.

"take me somewhere..anywhere. i dont care. lets just leave."

"okay. let me take you to the car. imma have to go back and tell Jahseh and Angel we are leaving though," i responded.

we walked to the car and she slipped in the passenger seat. 

"ill be right back," i told her. she simply nodded her head.

i headed up the driveway and into the house. as soon as i walked in i felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"aye man, where yo girl at? we 'bout to do body shots," Steven said, slurring most of his words.

"hey dude. Listen, my girl is sick, so imma take her home. ill see ya tomorrow though," i responded.

"damn, thats shitty. well, call me later so i know she a'ight."

"okay. hey, do you know where Jahseh and Angel are?" 

"shit..probably upstairs somewhere. they can stay here if anything. ill tell Jahseh that ya'll had to go."

"thanks man, i appreciate it."

"no problem. see ya," he called after me. i walked right back out the door and to the car.

"where do you wanna go," i asked Sarah, settling down in the car. 

"i dont care. somewhere far away. where that isn't people. i just wanna be alone," she said. 

"i might know a place."

she nodded her head and leaned back into the seat. 

i started the car and backed out. Sarah reached out and turned the radio on. All the Stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA came on.  She mumbled the words to herself, thinking i couldn't hear her. She has a beautiful voice, i wished sometimes she'd sing with me, and maybe one day produce a song, but she is "to shy" as she puts it.

After about 20 minutes, i hear her snoring softly. it'll be another 2 hours before we get to our final destination. 

After a while, i turn into a gas station and get out. i run in and get 4 bags of Doritos, 1 gigantic bag of skittles, 4 bottles of Pepsi, and a extra-large bag gummy worms. 

"Will this be it," the cashier lady asks me.

"um..yea," i respond, looking up from getting my wallet out of my pocket.

"that'll be 11 dollars flat."

i hand her the money and get a really goo look at her face. she is pretty. she has pretty big boobs, and a slim waist from what i can see. she grabs the receipt and flips it over. she starts scribbling on it, then hands it back. its her number.

"call me,"she says before moving on to the next customer. i shove the receipt in my pocket and walk back to the car. 

i slid in and i look over at Sarah.

only thing is, she isn't in the passenger seat anymore. 

hey babies!!!!!!!!! sorry for this lame ass chapter..and for the late update. i still love ya'll<3!!!!!!!!!!! ill update again at 830 views <3 <3 <3

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