10 (diego)

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Today is the day. I am going to see Sarah. I can't wait. I just want to hold her and look at her beautiful self. I still have to pick up Jahseh. I walked out of my house and locked it. I got in my car and drove to his house.

•••skips to Jahseh's house•••

I rung the doorbell at least 20 times before he answered. He was wearing a dark blue robe.

"What the hell man," he said. Clearly he just woke up.

"C'mon man don't tell me you forgot!"

"No I didn't but it's early."

"The plane leaves in a hour and it's 30 to get there from here."

"Babe, how is it," a female voice called out. She appeared at the door, only wearing a sheet that surrounded her body. She was ugly too.

"What the," I said. I know he has Angel, so what is he doing with this hoe?

"Get out," Jahseh said, looking annoyed.

"But I have my clothes and stuff here," she started to whine but he pushed her out the house. She squealed and tried to cover herself with the sheet.

"I need 10 minutes and I will be out."

"Okay I'll be in the car."

Just like he said, 10 minutes later he came out. He threw what looked like a girly bag down and hopped in my car.

"Explain," I said. Angel was gong to find out, and I hope I am not going to be the one to tell her.

"Okay, listen. I was bored and I needed to see that chick before I saw Angel. Trust me I did not do anything with her. She too ugly. I don't know what made her get the sheet though...we didn't fool around or anything like that," he said.

"Okay. Just as long ad you didn't do anything stupid. Let's just get this plane ride over with."

•••skips to plane ride•••

We haven't done anything since boarding the plane. I mainly played on Instagram. Jahseh did the same. I was just about to go to sleep when my phone dinged.

sarah_love: I'm bored and I just wanna hang wit you😘😍2,926 likesComments disabled

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sarah_love: I'm bored and I just wanna hang wit you😘😍
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She is breathtaking. Ugh. This plane ride can't go any slower.

•••skips to end of plane ride•••

We finally landed and got off the plane. I suggested getting some food then calling Angel to come get us. We got some Burger King and I called Angel.

"Hello," she asked.

"Hey. We are at the airport. Wanna come get us?"

"Yea. Be there in 10." She said and hung up. 10 minutes later she pulled up. I saw her jump out and walk towards me. Jahseh was using the bathroom.

"Oh my god! It is so good to finally see you in person," she said as she wrapped her arms around me. She pulled back and I looked down to hide my blush. Angel is pretty, but Sarah is gorgeous.

"Did you break our deal," she asked, looking around.

"Nope. He is in the bathroom."

We waited for a good minute before Jahseh came out. He stopped on his tracks and looked at us. I looked over to see Angel's cheeks extremely red. Jahseh had a huge smile on his face. He walked over to her and gave her a hug. She hugged back. I can't wait to hug Sarah like that. Jahseh pulled away and kissed her on the cheek.

"Umm...can we get going," I asked, feeling a little guilty for interrupting.

"Of course," Angel said. She grabbed Jahseh's hand and led him to the car. I followed. I got into the back seat and they got in the front. Jahseh leaned over and kissed her cheek again before starting the car. Ugh. I can not wait. I looked out the window as Angel drive to Sarah's house. When we pulled up to a light blue house, she turned off the engine. She looked back and smiled.

"We're here Diego," she whispered.

I opened the door and got out. They followed. I walked right up to the door. I couldn't stop smiling. I gently knocked on the door. I heard someone tell "coming". I shoved my hands in my pockets. I was nervous. But who wouldn't be. Meeting a beautiful girl in person.

Then the door opened.

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