28 (Sarah)

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I waited in the lobby while Angel sat with Jahseh. I couldn't believe he was shot. Who would randomly shoot someone? Well, i guess i should look around. Nowadays everyone is shooting everyone.

"Hey. whats happened,"i heard someone ask behind me.

"Hey diego. Nothing really. They finally allowed her into his room. She is in there slepping now, i just checked on her. I was gonna give her some more time. Can she stay with us at your place?"

"Of course."

"So...what happened?"

"Im gonna tell you the truth, okay, so dont get mad," he said, avoiding my eyes.

"Diego, look at me and tell me."

He looked at me with pleading eyes. "I beat the shit outta him...and i was gonna end up killing him if steven hadn't stopped me."

"Diego, you cant go beating people up."

"Sarah, he raped you. Speaking ofwhich, i am getting a doctor to look at you right now, then we'll go home."

"Diego, no. i am fine. I'll be fine."

"Sarah. Stop. its happening." he walked over to a nurse and started talking to her, every once and a while gesturing to me. She nodded and loooked at me. Analyzing me. Finally she just walked over.

"I understand what happened, and i know you feel threatened by my taking a look at you, but i have to. I need to make sure the guy didn't do any severe damage down there," she said. I thought about it for a moment, then decided to get it over with. I stood up and diego walked with me to the room, i suppose, where she is going to check me out.

"I need this filled out then i will be right with you," she said, handing diego some paperwork. Why she handed it to him, i'll never know. He filled it out and she took it out to the back room and returned with some medical things.

"I need you to lay down and set your heel in the holders right here," she said, gesturing to the cupped things at the foot of the bed.

"Diego, uh, you wanna, wait in the lobby," i aksed, hoping he'd take the hint. He nodded his head and walked out.

"You might want to take off the skirt," she said. I hadn't even realized i was still wearing it. I took off and put my fett in the holders.

"This might be a bit uncomfortable," she said. I felt something cold enter me. It was very uncomfortable.

She kept probing around in me and finally pulled the cold thing out.

"You will need to come in for a check in next week, but other than that, you look perfectly fine. The man that, er, raped you didn't cause any damage."

"Thanks," i grumbled.

I walked out and to diego.

"Well," he said.

"Well nothing. Im fine. Like i said."

"Okay. thats great!"

"I could have told you i was fine."

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I felt color rising to my cheeks. Ugh, i can't stay mad at him.

"Lets get Angel and go," he said. He took my hand and we walked to room 283.

"Angel. C'mon sweetheart. Wake up. You ain't sleeping at the hospital. You can't," diego said, shaking her lightly. She opened her eyes and sat up slowly.

"I can't leave him," she croaked.

"Your gonna have to. C'mon."

She looked at Jahseh and i saw tears crowd her eyes. She bent down and kiss the corner of his mouth, carful not to touch the tube coming out. She trailed behind me a diego on the way out.

Once in the car, we all decided to get something to eat. McDonalds was out of the question. We agreed on Burger King. i check the time and i couldnt believe my eyes. It was only 12:57.

"Before we go home, im gonna stop at Stevens and a bag," diego said. Angel didn't say anything, neither did i. So we got our food, and diego swung by Steven's. I rolled my window down to let in fresh air and looked at the sidewalk leading up to the house. I noticed big size drops of crusted blood. I knew what it was from. Diego came back, and we drove to his house.

"Lets smoke a blunt, then eat, the go to bed," diego suggested. I nodded and Angel looked like she was somewhere else. So, he rolled each of us a medium size joint and we all smoked on the couch. It felt so relaxing. My nerves stopped screaming. My head felt less heavy. I felt hungrier though. We finished smoking and dug into our food. It was kinda weird not having Jahseh around.

"Well, i am going to bed. Ill see ya'll tomorrow," Angel whispered and went to the spare room.

"Diego, she needs cloths. You wouldn't mind running to Jahseh's house and getting her thing do you?"

"No, not at all. Make a list of her thing so i dont miss anything though."

"Okay. hold on." i walked to his room and pulled out my wallet. I grabbed a fifty, paper and a pen. I wrote everything down and added a couple things. I made sure i included and couple of Jahseh's sweatshirts.

"Here is fifty for gas, and the list," i said handing him everything.

"Babe, i dont need the money. I make music. Remember?"

"Still. Take it. Please. Amuse me."

"Fine. ill be back in a few. I guess just chill. Or whatever it is girls do by themselves."

"Okay. love you."

"Love you," he said, giving me a kiss and walking out the front foor.

I decided a shower sounded nice. When i finished, i looked at my phone. I looked at instagram and somehow people already were posting about Jahseh being shot. I got out of bed and walked into the spare room. Angel was fast aleep. I walked over to the bed and slipped in next to her. She must have felt the movement because she turned to me. I held her in my arms as she cried into my shoulder.

:,{ i am crying so hard right now },:

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