15 (diego + sarah)

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He took me to Aria. It's a very expensive restaurant that I've only seen on tv. I looked at Diego.

"You don't have to take me here. This is way to much. The food here is crazy expensive," I said.

"Babe, I have enough money. Trust me. I have a surprise in there anyway so we can't turn around now," he whispered as he pulled me out of the car.

We walked inside. It smelled of seafood and Italian food and Chinese food all together. I could faintly smell chocolate and strawberries. It was wonderful.

He walked up to the desk and mumbled more words. The woman behind the counter looked at me and smiled. She led us to a private booth. I kept my eyes in Diego. He gestured for me to sit. I finally looked at the booth and I saw Angel and Jahseh sitting there.

Angel jumped up and gave me a bear hug. We giggled like little school girl. We sat down after a minute of that. Me and her were in the middle and the boys were on the outside. The waiter lady came around and took down what we wanted on a little note pad. Then she scampered off to the back.

"So, Diego, what have y'all been doing," Jahseh asked.

"Chilling really. I took Sarah out today and bought her books, makeup and dresses," he said smiling.

"Cool. Me and Angel chilled. That is if sex counts," he said laughing.  Angel looked down blushing. I felt so bad for her but it was hilarious.

"I can't believe y'all already did that man! Congrats though. If I were you I'd do the same," Diego whispered the table.

Ugh. Boys!

"And here y'all go," the waiter said stopping at our table. She set down four plates. Everyone grabbed their plate. Diego got half rack of ribs, Angel got roasted lamb, and Jahseh got teriyaki chicken with fries and cheese covered broccoli. I got homemade spaghetti and meatballs. It looked delicious. I grabbed the parmesan cheese and shook a little over the plate. Then I dug in. It tasted so good. It had a little bit of spice too.

Everyone sat in silence as we ate. I guess it was so good, nobody wanted to ruin the moment.

After we were done, we all sat back. Diego looked at me and leaned towards me.

"Baby, I don't think I can eat anymore. I have to save some space for my dessert later," he whispered in my ear, drawing out the word dessert.

My whole body lit on fire. I felt my cheek get red. He pulled away and smirked at me. Ugh my heart. I don't know if its lust or love.

Jahseh and Angel were giggling on the other said of the table. I didn't think anyone is going to have dessert.

"Well, i guess I'm ready to go Diego," I said looking at him.

"Hey guys. Me and Sarah are gonna take off for the night. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow for.. whatever we will do I guess," Diego said to Angel and Jahseh.

They nodded there head.

"Talk to ya later Sarah," Angel said to me. Jahseh and her gave me a hug. Angel hugged Diego and Jahseh and Diego did a handshake hug type thing.

He led me outside and we got in the car.

Diego's POV

When we got to her house, we walked inside and i immediately flopped down on the couch. My stomach was full. She went upstairs and I heard the shower turn on. I got up and walked upstairs. I went into the bathroom and she was already in it. I sent a quick thank you to god for having her shower curtain non-transparent. And for her not hearing the door open. I stripped and walked up to the curtain.

"Can I join you," I asked as I drew the curtain back.

She jumped and let out a little high pitch scream. I couldn't help but laugh. Not wanting or caring to hear her answer, I got in anyway. I had never seen her without a bra or some underwear on. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was beautiful. She didn't need to change anything about her.

She ran her fingers through her hair, getting what was left of the conditioner out. When she was done, I had already run a soapy washcloth over my body. She turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around her. She handed me one. She walked into the bedroom and I followed. Before she could get past the bed to her dresser, I grabbed her and playfully tossed her on the bed.

"Diego," she yelped.

"Yes lil ma?"

"What are you doing?"

"Babe, I have had an amazing day, I just wanna make it better," I whispered as I laid my body on top of hers.

"I had an amazing day too, and I think it could get better before the end of the night," she said, fidgeting with my wet curls. She looked at me and leaned up. She lightly kissed my lips. She pulled away and giggled. I smashed my lips against hers, deepening the kiss. She ran her hands all over my body. Her touch was soft.

"Do you wanna do this," I asked. I didn't want her to feel pressured into something she didn't want to do.

"Diego, if I didn't want to do this, you'd be off of me already," she whispered back.

She did have a point. I grabbed her waist and flipped her over where she was on top. I didn't bother trying to cover up my junk with the towel (which had fallen off in the process of her getting on top). She was kissing me as she undid the little knot in her towel. When she finished, it casually dropped to the floor. She positioned herself.

Let's just say...we didn't get much sleep.

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