36 (Diego)

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We dropped Angel off at the hospital and went to McDonalds.

"What do you want," i asked sarah.

"Um.. i would like 2 McChickens and a large thing of fries, with a large drink."

"Damn. i would like 4 McChickens, 2 large fries, and 2 large drinks," i told the cashier. She just stared at me. I was tempted to wave my hand in front of her face, but she got out of her trance.

"F-for here or to go," she stuttered.

"To go."

She walked in the back and i heard her telling the cooks i was here. I could practically hear Sarah roll her eyes. About 10 minutes later, our food arrived. We walked out to the car where a group of girls were huddled around our car.

When they noticed us they started screaming.

"Lil Xan can we get some pictures with you," one asked.

"Sure," i said, hoping Sarah wouldn't be to mad. I stood there and one by one all the girls got their picture taken with me.

"bye, " they all told me, giggling. I got in the car and sarah was munching on some fries.

"You okay," i asked.

"Ya. perfectly fine," she said, letting the sarcasm flow thick.

"Babe, tell me whats wrong."

"I just dont get it. Why are you with me when you can have a beautiful, thick, mouth watering girl."

"You are my beautiful, thick, mouth watering girl. Why dont you ever think your good enough? You are amazing. Your kind and sweet. Your super smart. You are beautiful on the inside and outside. I love you. I dont love anyone else. Them hoes mean nothing to me now that i have you all to myself. Plus, your a lot tighter than the other girls ive been with." she looked at me with tears glistening in her eyes. When they spilled over, i gently wiped them away.

"I love you," she whispered. I leaned towards her and gave her a kiss.

"Lets go home right now," she said, looking at me hungerly. I knew what she wanted. She knew what i wanted. I started the car and drove straight home, doing 20 over the speed limit.

When we pulled into my driveway, she hopped out and raced to the door. I grabbed the food and chased after her. She ran upstairs into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Babe," i yelled.

"Give me a sec," she yelled back. I waited and waited. I took off my shirt and pants. I wiated for her on the bed in just my boxers. When she came out, she was wearing nothing but her bra and a pair of matching purple panties. I could feel myself get big. She could see it because she started giggling. She walked over to me. I stared up at her and smiled. She ran her fingers through my curly hair. I felt goosebumps trail beneath her finger tips. Shebent down and kissed my lips. Her lips were soft. She slid her tongue over my bottom lip. I gasped, giving her access to my tongue. Our tongues danced together in beautiful harmony. I laid back on the bed, never breaking the kiss. She pulled away though. She looked me dead in my eye and pulled down my boxers. She grabbed me in her hands very gently. I moaned. She pulled up, and pushed back down. I closed my eyes, and felt myself boiling. She kept doing that over and over. Each time i was about to cum, she stop and wait. Finally, right before i was going to cum, she got on top of me and slowly pushed herself down on me.

"Oh, fuck! Your already wet," i moaned. She went a little harder each time. She pushed herself to the tip of my dick, and would slam down. I could feel her legs trembling. I came and let out a huge groan. She followed not long after. She laid next to me after putting on a pair of my boxers. I held her in my arms for a while.

"Im hungry," she whispered.

"We still have the McDonalds in the living room."

She got up and ran to the living room and came running back.

"You know what i love the most, Sarah," i asked.


"I love that we can have super hot sex and then eat McDonalds together," i told her. She leaned over and kissed me. She grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv. Flipping through the channels, i watched her settle on Family Guy. She giggle here and there. We ate our food and she stood up.

"I'm taking a shower," she said, walking to the bathroom. I waited a minute before following her. I stripped outside the door and gently opened it. It reminded me of the first time i seen her naked, sneaking in in her in the shower. I pushed it all the way open and ran to the cutain before pulling it back slightly. She had the head underwater, rushing it down her face. I stepped in, not caring if she noticed me. I ran my hands around her waist. She didn't open her eyes, but she smiled. I pulled her close and kissed her neck, biting genlty in the good spots. She trembled beneath my grip. She allowed my hand to travel to her navel, and i gently rubbed small circles on her clit, making her moan. I rubbed harder and harder until she was gasping for air. I slid two if my fingers in her and pushed in and out, curling them slightly each time. She wrappped her arms around me and dug her nails into my back. She moaned one last time and came all over my fingers. I watched her watch me lick my fingers. She blushed a deep shade of red before giving me another kiss.

"I fucking love you," i whispered.

"I fucking love you," she giggled.

I fucking love my readers<3

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