29 (Sarah)

36 3 1

Were back in georgia now. We left when our plane was supposed to. Angel threw a fit, and cried. She even tried clinging to Diego. When i finally got her on the plane, she cried herself to sleep. We are the airport right now. I had parked my car in the reserved area. I dragged Angel to the car and got her in.

"Angel, school isnt over for another month, so until then, we are here. We need to finish school."

"I don't care about school!" she is acting like a total toddler. I just rolled my eyes. I turned up the radio, just so i dont have to listen to the silence.

We arrived at her house and i popped the trunk and helped her get her stuff inside. When we entered, Angel plastered a smile on her face for her parents. I hurried back to my car and drove to my house.

"Mom! Dad! Im home," i shouted. They came out of the kitchen and mom gave me a gigantic hug.

"Suprise," my dad said, handing me two envelopes. I gasped as i read the sender's address. One was from UCLA and the other one was from UF. i opened the UF envelope and scream with excitment. I got accepted! I opened the other and tear came to eyes. Tears of joy. I was also accepted!

"Oh my god!!!! Ive been accepted to both!"

"See, hard work pays off," my mother smiled at me. I gave her and my dad another hug. I went to my room to tell Diego and Angel.

"Hey Angel. I was accepted to both! I cant beleive it," i told her. We both applied to the same college and kept up the same grades.

"Me too," she said all gloomy.

"Can't you be happy? We made it. We can go to california and stay there."

"Your lucky! You still have diego! Dont tell me to be all happy! How can i with Jahseh in the hospital and me not by his side," she snapped, then hung up. I cant believe her. I understand Jahseh is in the hospital, but she doesn't need to be a..a... a bitch! I call Diego.

"Hey wetness, i mean cuteness," he greets me.

"Hey small, i mean doll," i reply.

"I am not small!"

"Anyway...guess what?"

"Chicken butt"

"Ha ha. No i got accepted to both colleges!"

"Which one are you going to?"

"Cali! Duh! Like is the even a question?"

"I just wanted to make sure. Is Angel all right?"

"No, she just snapped on me, telling me how lucky i am that i have you."

"Im sorry. I went to the hospital today, and the doctors say he has a 35 percent chance of living. I know he'll pull through. A gunshot doesn't stop love."

"Wow, so poetic."

"I try. So...how much longer till school gets out?"

"Bout a month."

"Cool. I miss you."

"I miss you too Diego. I have to go to bed, it late here. I got school tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you. Goodnight, lil ma."

"Goodnight lil boy,"i said with a smile and ended the call before he could protest. I threw my pjs on and told my parent goodnight. I decide to get my radio out of the closet and listen to it. I turned it on and played 101.3.

"You still have a chance people, in 10 minutes, we'll accept callers so get them phones out," the announcer said. "C'mon now, this is 6ix9ine were talkin bout! You want those tickets?! Get them phones out!!!"

I smiled to myself, remebering Angel and i laughing about 6ix9ine. She thought he was okay looking. Maybe...if i called and got the tickets, we could go and see him to cheer her up!

"Okay people the time has come. Dial (***)***-**** and get two tickets. Go!!!" the announcer yelled. I snatched my phone up and dialed the number. It rang and rang and rang. Then, it ended before i got a peep out. I dialed again and it rang and rang and rang, but this time someone picked up.

"Whassup caller number 8! You just one two tickets to go see 6ix9ine in concert in Atlanta!"

"Oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you!!! God, you don't know how badly i needed these tickets."

"To be honest, else was calling. We were gonna suprise them and give them backstage passes to the meet and greet, but it was only you. But thats okay. Congrats...."


"Sarah. You just got the package deal. We are gonna text you a code to give the people collecting tickets."

"Okay. thanks again."

"No prob sarah. Have fun at the concert."

He hung up and my phone dinged. It was from the number i called. It was a barcode, number, seat number, parking spot number, the date of the concert, and another barcode for the meet and grett i guess. The my phone went off angain from the same number.

Unknown number: good luck sarah! :)

Me: thxx :}

I put my phone on the charger and laid down and fell asleep.

The next morning i texted Angel and told her about the tickets. She just sent a smiley face.

I put on some black tights, a yellow crop top and black nike shoes. Then, i was off to school.

When i got to school, i saw angel sitting on the outside bench. She was wearing tight blue jeans, a bright green shirt, and black hoddie. She was just playing on her phone.

"Hey," i said as i sat down next to her.

"Im sorry i flipped my shit on you."

"Its okay. I understand."

"I was just so-"

"Hey losers! Whatcha doing," jason said, putting his head in between ours.

"Get your dandruff crusted head away from mine," i snarled.

"Whoa, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Please, jason, go away," Angel begged him.

"Only if you take me and hold me. I miss you," jason said, putting himself between me and Angel.

I noticed he had his hoodie on. I quickly grabbed the hood part and yanked him sideways where he fell on the concrete.

"GO AWAY YOU FUCKING LEECH," i screamed at him. He looked at me in shoch and got to his feet. He gave me the evil eye and strutted away.

I loooked at Angel and she burst out laughing, and so did i.

"Jeez, sarah, did you see the fear in his eyes," she asked through her laughing. Was laughing to hard to answer.

At least she's laughing.

One month and then 6ix9ine.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 6ix9ine......dun-dun-duuuuun!!!!!

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