22 (sarah)

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I stepped inside and was immediately hit with the smell of weed. I glance over at Diego and he is inhaling the sent in deep breathes.

"Babe, I gonna go to the kitchen. Chill on the couch and just..i dont know...talk to people," he shouted to me over the music. i nodded my head.

i made my way to the living room, well at least i thought it was a living room. a bunch of people were hanging around talking or making out.

"Hey pretty lady, wanna hit," some guy came up and asked me.

i thought for a second. Diego left me, and i was super nervous, but i have never had weed before so i dont want to hit it and start coughing. but, i do want to relax...


"alright," he slurred, passing the blunt towards me. i brought it to my lips and inhaled. i felt it fill my lungs. surprisingly, i didn't cough. i took another hit, and the tensity in my body stopped. it was...nice.

"you gotta boyfriend," he asked.

"yea..he is in the kitchen.."

i looked at the guys face. he has blonde hair and blue eyes. when he smiled, he had deep dimples. he was cute, but Diego was cuter by a landslide.

"i gotta go. see ya round," i said getting up off the couch, not remembering sitting down.

i walked around. i ran into angel and jahseh. they were heading upstairs. she kept giggling and he looked high.

i walked into the kitchen and saw Diego with Steven. i walked over, making sure Diego didn't see me. i tip-toed behind him and snaked my hand around him. he turned and saw me. he smiled. god, i love that smile.

"hey," he said.


"wanna..i dont know..go outside for a sec?"

"whats outside?"

"you and me..and some friends sitting around a fire chilling."

"okay. lets go then."

he took my hand and led me outside. i saw people laughing, sitting around a fire like Diego said. they were sitting on couches though, which looked a bit weird but comfortable. we sat in an empty spot.

"hey man, long time no see," someone said to Diego's left.

"hey Arnold. whats been happening?"

"nothing much. who is that," the guy said pointing to me.

"that's my girl, Sarah. Sarah, this is Arnold. Arnold, this is Sarah."

"hey, nice to meet ya," he said reaching his hand over.

i couldn't help but laugh.

"what? did i do something wrong," Arnold asked.

"no..its just funny that you went old school with the hand shake," I said.

"Oh. I thought I did sum wrong."

I looked at Diego and he was smiling.

"Damn Diego, ya got lucky cuz she fine as hell," Arnold said, his eyes glazing over me.

I nervously laughed.

"Aye, keep your hands to yourself Arnold. She is mine, not yours," Diego said, clearly jealous. Arnold just put his hands up, as if he is surrendering.

I looked at Diego and burst out laughing. His friends and him are hilarious.

"Hey Diego, I'mma go get a drink. Be right back," I whisper in Diego's ear. He nods his head and I get up.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a red cup. I was pouring some coke when I felt hands snake around my waist.

"Hey Diego. Wanna drink," I asked.

"Naw babe, I want you. Put this on for a sec," he said. I tried turning around but before I could, he put a blindfold over my eyes and tied it tight. Before I could protest, he threw me over his shoulder.

"Ow Diego. That hurt," I exclaimed.

"Sorry babe," he said.

We got to the top of the stairs and he opened a door. He walked in and tossed me on the bed. I heard the door shut and he walked back over to me. I felt around on the bed and it was anything familiar.

"Why don't we take this off," Diego said, tugging off the blindfold. When it came off I looked up.

I gasped in horror. It wasn't Diego. It wasn't Diego at all, it was the guy who I had first talked to.

"Get away from me," I yelled as his hands traveled up my arms.

"No girl talks to me, smokes my blunt and gets away without me getting something in return," he said.

"Maybe you shouldn't offer anything then."

"Or...maybe, I'll just get what I want."

He jump on me, pinning my body down on the bed, my wrists above my head. I tried to scream, but he shoved a piece of clothing in my mouth. I had tears streaming down my face. I knew what he was going to do and I was terrified.

He walked over to the dresser and pulled out some rope. I shook my head fiercely, but it didn't stop him from tying my ankles and wrists to the bed.

He climbed back on top of me and ripped off my clothing. My protection.

"I got a good one," he whispered in my ear, his hot breath consuming me. I shook my head more. He un-did his belt buckle and took off his pants.

I was crying rivers. This is just a bad dream. This can't be happening. Not to me. I prayed to a God that I didn't even know.

The man forced himself in. I tried to scream but the cloth muffled me. I've only had sex with one person and that was Diego. He was gentle. I tried to picture him,but I couldn't focus.

The man kept going and going for what felt like hours. The music continued to blast from downstairs.

Then he got off and walked out without saying a word. I tried to undo the rope knots but it didnt work. I used my tongue to push out the rag. Then I screamed bloody murder.

By the time I finished my fourth scream, someone came in.

Hey cuties 💜 sorry for the cliffhanger...I still love you and I hope you love me..

Btw..thank you all for the reads, votes,and comments. It means a lot. I'll try and update soon!!!

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