25 (Diego)

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"You are my everything Sarah. You dont understand. I have never felt this way about anyone. The other girls dont give me this weird feeling in my stomach when im around them. They wont embaress themselves for me. They wont do stupid, reckless things with me. They dont love me like you do. Sarah, i love you. I cant say it enough."

"Diego, i have never felt more alive before i met you. You make me feel open and free. I have felt satisfied since we met. Im so thankful you randomly texted me.'

"Me too."

We laughed for a minute. Then i thought about what happened.

"So, what do you want to do about the, uh, situation?"

"I dont know. I dont kinow diego. I dont want to think about it now."

Just then Sarah and I's phone went off at the same time. It was a text from Angel. I looked up at Sarah with a questioning look. I looked back at the screen as she started reading it outloud.

"Idk were u guys went but i need u 2 @ Mercy hospital ASAP."

"What the hell? Lets go," i told sarah. She knodded in agreement. We grabbed everything and walked back to the car. I started the car and peeled out.

"Sarah, we are going to talk later about what happened. You remember what the guy looked like?"

"Blond hair and blue eyes. Diego, i thought it was you. He put his hands on me and i thought it was you. My wrists hurt," she whimpered.

"When we get to Mercy, im gonna have the doctors look at you," i said, pushing 90 miles an hour.

"Im so sorry diego," she whispered, starting to cry.

"Sarah, its not your fault. I shouldn't have let you go alone. I knew people in there who used to rape and they got away from the police. They said they stopped because of the guilt, but i guess compultions dont stop."

"I wasn't even that thirsty. That dude was making me nervous."

"Sarah, its not you fault. Lets just get to the hospital and see whats going on."

The rest of the drive was silent.

We pulled in Mercy hospital two hours later. Angel texted us the room number after we had gotten in the car. We walked in and the smell of the hospital was super strong, i almost gagged. We got in the elevator and rode to room 283. We walked into the lobby and saw Angel in one of the many chairs. She had her face in her hands, crying.

"Angel! What happened?! Is everything okay?!" Sarah said, rushing to her best freinds side. She just kept shaking her head.

"Is Jahseh okay," i asked.

"No...no..he-he w-was sh-sh-shot," Angel stuttered. "The d-doctors arent l-letting me s-s-see h-him."

"Itll be okay. Its gonna be fine. Hes gonna live. I promise," Sarah comforted her, just like i did hour ago.

I swear, if i find the man who violated my woman, im gonna tear his throat out. The only person i know that was at that party with blue eyes and blond hair is Randall, but i doubt Randall would have ever raped anyone. Then again, its the ones you dont excpect. I decide to call him.

"Ill be right over here, i need to make a quick call," i tell the girls, even though they arent paying attention.

I go through my contact and find his number. As its ringing, i find the right words to say. Finally he picks up.

"Diego? Damn man! Its been to long! Whatcha up to?"

"Hey randy. I was wondering, where are you?"

"Im at Steve's house. He through a party, though it kinda sucks right now. Its dying down."

"Did you get any, ya know, tonight?"

"Oh yea man. There was this one hottie, dark hair, dark eyes, real slender. She and i shared a blunt."

"She gotta boyfriend?" i ask, angry by his words because i know he's talking about Sarah, but i dont let the anger reach my words.

"Yea. sucks to be him cuz she opened the door for me."

"Well, what happened?"

"We shared a joint, she disappeared for a few, then i found her in the kitchen and took her up stairs."

"Okay. well, ill be at Steven's shortly, see you then Randall."

I hung up. I walked back over and looked directly and Sarah.

"Can i speak with you a sec, sweetheart?"

"Sure. ill be right back Angel."

"Whats wrong diego," she asks.

"Is this they guy?" i asked, showing a picture on my screen to her of Randall.

"Y-yes. Do y-you know him?"

"Yes. his name is Randall. I went to highschool with him. We were good friends back then ," i told her. "Ill be back within the next hour or two. You stay here and keep Angel company."

"Okay. where are you going?"

"Pay lil ole Randall a visit."

"Diego, dont do anything stupid, please."

"Babe, i wont. I love you. Stay," i said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking to the elevator.

I thought of the different things i would do to him. I wouldn't kill him, i dont want to go to jail, but i would beat his ass for sure.

The drive to Steven's was short. I walked inside without knocking, and everyone was either making out or passed out. There wern't to many people left. I spotted Randall on the couch in the corner talking with a red head.

"Hey Randy," i said, looking directly at him.

"Hey man! Hey Courtney, go get us some vodka, will ya," he said to the girl. She giggled and got up.

"How ya been D?"

"Good. hey, tell me if you reconize this girl," i said, showing him a picture of Sarah.

"Dude! Thats the girl i was telling you bout earlier! Bruh! You know her or sum?"

I stood up and grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed my fist in his face. I pulled my hand back as blood dribbled out of his mouth.

Sorry fo the cliffhanger again. As you all know (hopefully), Jahseh Onfroy AKA XXXTentacion was shot, and he died on the way to the hospital. I was and still am a huge fan of his. His death shook me up pretty badly. I am tearing up as i write this. In a perfect world, someone can get shot and survive, but we dont live in a perfect world. In my book, he may or may not die, i have not decided yet. I want him to. But its the book before my wants. His music video "SAD" is amazing and i would like for each and every one of you to go and give it a thumbs up. If you did, comment below and maybe ill let him live. I also want to know if you guys want him to live, so tell my in the comments. Thank you.

In other news, i have 1.1 k readers!!!!! Thank yall so flipping much!! Honestly, i never thought i would get more than 10 readers. My biggest supporter is Brooklyngirl1026 so please please please go follow her. She has fantastic books out, and 2 Lil Xan books for the Xan lovers out there. I love my readers so much. You guys are everything. Aslo, tell me what you guys WANT in the book so its not all my ideas. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!! <3 <3

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