21 (sarah)

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Hey lovelies!! I am doing this chapter and it's going to start from when Diego entered Sarah's room...enjoy <3 BTW....this chapter is crap and i'm so sorry. i wont be updating for a while..don't be mad at me...love y'all<3

I heard the door open, but I kept my eyes closed. i didn't want Jahseh or angel to know i was still up. i heard footsteps come close to the foot of the bed. then, the bed shifted. i strained my ears and focused on the rhythm of their breathing. it was slow. it was soothing. i was about to say something when they started talking. I immediately recognized. It was diego.

"Sarah, i dont know if your awake or not but i have to let this out. I didnt cheat. That guy in the background was my friend Steven. When we landed, he invited me over so i went and he threw me a gigantic party. There was girls and weed and drinks. I am not gonna lie, i did get high. And drunk. But i didnt lay a finger on another girl. I would never do that to you. You mean the world to me. I love you. It scares me. It really does. Other girls have used me in the past and you haven't. I dont wanna fall in love, but i cant keep myself from you. Your my everything. God that sounds so corny but its true. Well, im tired. Imma go to bed. Dont be mad at me when you wake up. Good night sarah," Diego whispered. 

He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He scooted under the covers and i felt his arm drape over me. After a while i heard his loud, yet soft snoring. 

I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about what he said. I knew he was telling the truth about what happened. I did love him too, but i didnt want to say anything. I laid my head on his chest and fell into a light sleep.

***next morning***

I woke up and Diego wasn't in the bed. I listened closely and i could hear the shower running. I decided to go downstairs and make breakfast. 

"morning Jahseh," i said when i noticed he placed himself at the counter.

"good morning. how did it go with Diego?"

"Nosey much?"

"Only because he is my friend and your my girlfriends bestie, and your my friend so i just wanna make sure y'all are good."

"Aw. Well it went good. I believe him. Plus, it just hurt that he didnt tell me sooner."

"He probably didnt reply to your texts because he had a hangover. "

"Your right. I didnt even think about that."

"Whatcha making for breakfast," Diego said, coming down the stairs. 

"Maybe some toast, bacon, and eggs."


I pulled out everything i needed and started cooking.  I kept thinking about what he said last night. He loved me. I loved him. He meant the world to me. Someday, i will let him know that.

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