31 (Jahseh)

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I could hear. I couldn't move though. I tried lifting my arms, but they were glued down.

"Man. if your still in there, you need to wake up. Angel is going to a concert tonight. A 6ix9ine concert. Remember when we met him and i still was with Britney? He tried getting with her right in front of me. He'll do that to Angel, just not in front of you. Please, Jahseh, wake up," a guys voice said. I heard some sniffles.

"I got to go. Ill be back later," the voice said. I was left alone.

I felt so cold. It felt as if i were drowning. I tried opening my eyes, but they wouldn't. I couldn't even move my tongue.

"Hey sweetheart. That was diego who stopped by. Hon, you've been gone for a month now. You gotta wake up. The head doctor is talking about pulling the plug. Diego don't want that. He is really busy, trying to get money for you. He set up a fundraiser. People donate quite a bit. I donated a 100 bucks the other day. I believe you can wake up if you truly want to. Diego told my about Angel, your girl. Don't break her heart. Come back to her. Don't forget about your fans either. Nearly 500 come a day to see if your okay. Sometimes they fight security to see you. I think you can hear me. I read that if you talk to someone in a coma, they can hear you. Well, i gave you another dose of your medicine. I'll see you in 6 hours," a female voice said.

I wanted to nod but i couldn't. I wanted to scream! I wanted to break through the water. I imagined cement blocks tied to my ankles holding me under the water. The knots were tied so tight, i couldn't untie them. They wouldn't even loosen. I wanted to open my eyes. I wanted to move. I couldn't though. I wanted to wake up, yet, everything was glued down. I thought my arms started to move, but that was just the sheet being adjusted by someone. They lifted my head up carefully and fluffed my pillow. I wanted to tell them to rescue me from drowning but my lips were sealed. Ugh! Why couldn't i move? I was floating just below the surface of the ocean i was drowning in. Its like i could see the sun, the birds circling above, the air. I could see myself kicking, thrusting, and struggling to reach the top. I was wading through jello. Very very thick jello. Instead of struggling to get out of the jello, or to the surface, i just thought of the names mentioned earlier. I tried picturing the people. Angel, what would she look like? I pictured blue eyes and long, blonde hair. An image of an Angel. Was she really my girl? And Diego. Who is Diego? I imagined dark hair, dark eyes. I was pretty sure Jahseh was me. What did i look like? Maybe dark hair, brown eyes.

A image flashed through my head. There was a girl in bed next to a guy. He bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then. he threw back his covers and got out of the bed. Why didnt he just stay with her? Was he leaving her? I wanted scream at that idiot to stay in the warm bed. Why was he going to break her heart? What messed up guy would do that? I thought back to what that guy said. Whos 6ix9ine? Was that the guy in bed? Was that Angel in the bed? If it was, she is more beautiful than i imagined.

I heard some papers flipping somewhere in the room. Followed by footsteps. Then, it was all silent again.

I suddenly felt like i was falling through air. I thought back to when i was a kid, and that feeling of falling but when you opened your eyes you were still in your bed. Thats what it felt like, except i couldn't open my eyes and the feeling kept going. I just saw blackness swirl all around me. I remember reading the Percy Jackson books and all the mythology. I remember Hades and how he had an endless pit named Tartarus. Thats what i was falling through. I was falling through hell.

A coolness drifted through me as i thought of that girl. Angel. Her soft blue eyes, soft blondish brown hair. I picture her soft smooth skin. Although i've never even touched her, i can see her, hear her, and feel her. She whispered to me, but im falling away from her. I yell back, or at least try. She looks scared and vulnerable. I wished to wrap my arms around her and hold her.

Then, she was quickly taken from me. I was left alone. I couldn't her anything. I tried to remember anything before i fell asleep but i couldnt. I was still falling but i could ingore it. At least until i landed.

I landed on a soft-ish bed. I tried to peek open my eyes, and was shocked. It worked. It was so bright. I opened them all the way and looked around. I was on a white, wrinkly bed. I had tubes all over my chest. There was a beep, beep, beep somewhere. There was a chair, a shelf, and a closed wheelchair. I tried to open my mouth, but something was running down my throat. I started gagging and pulled the thing out. It felt awful. It slid out and it was covered in my saliva. I threw it to the side, and noticed the cords coming and going on my arm. I pulled the tape off and pulled out the thing. It hurt a tiny bit and bleed a few drops. The beeping got faster. I lookedat where it was coming from and realized where i was. I was in a hospital.

A couple of nurses and doctors came in and stared at me with their mouths open.

"I'll be goddamned! He's awake," one of the nurses said.

So....i don't know what its like in a coma, so this is probably ALLLLL fake. But its a fanfic, who cares?? >:)) <3

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