34 (Sarah)

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I got in my car and pulled out of the concert drive way. Almost everyone was gone. I tuned on my radio, but didnt really hear the words. I just hoped Angel wouldnt do anything stupid. When i go to the hotel, I took a nice hot shower and slipped into some shorts and Diego's sweatshirt. I sat for a minute, wondering what to do about the whole party situation. I was to nervous about it, so i decided to call diego.

"Hey handsome," i said when he picked up.

"Well, hello there," someone said. It wasnt diego.

"Um... where is diego?"

"Upstairs getting dressed."

"Who is this?"


"Oh. hey steven. You almost gave me a heart attack. Isnt it like 5 in the morning over there or something? Why are you at his house and why is Diego getting dressed?"

"Well, its pretty early, yea. Im at his house cause he called me to come pick him up to take him the the hospital. Somethings wrong with his car."

"Why is he going to the hospital?"

"You ask him," he said then the phone shifted to someone else. "Hey babe. I am ordering you 2 first class airplane ticket right now. It leaves at 1, your afternoon. Get all ya'lls shit together. Jahseh woke up."

I gasped in shock. Honestly, i didnt think he was ever going to wake up. "Your serious?"

"Yeah. i got a call from the doctor. He was there when Jahseh opened his eyes. He kept saying Angel's name, then he woke. Isnt that amazing?"

"It would be, if Angel were here so i could tell her."

"Where is Angel?"

"Its a long story, but she ended up chilling with 6ix9ine."

"You mean Tekasi 6ix9ine?'"

"Yes. whats wrong," i asked, noticing the alarm in his voice.

"Call her now. If she doesnt respond, try tracking her phone. Do something. He isnt good. I know. Ive met him before. I was dating a chick named Amber and she cheated on me with him."

"Okay. ill call her right now. Love you. Talk to you in a bit."

"I love you."

I hung up and called her. When she didnt pick up, i called 7 more times. She never picked up. That when worry set in. i went on facebook and looked at her location. It said she was right out the door. Thats when i heard the knocking. I ran and flung open the door. She stood there with him. I got angry. I snatched her away from him.

"Hey whats-," i cut her off.

"I want you to stay away from us. Dont come near us, dont talk to us, dont contact us. If you come near us i will file a restraining order. Do you understand," i spoke quickly to 6ix9ine.

"What the hell? I havent even done anything to you. I dont even know you," he said.

"Yeah? Well i know you. STAY THE FUCK AWAY!"

"Or what," he tested me, getting in my face.

I let go of Angel's arm and grabbed his shirt collar.

"I will find you. I will cut off your dick and shove it down your throat and watch you choke on your very own cock, but right before you die of suffocation, ill take it out and shove it all the way up your ass. Then ill cut your balls off and put those in your mouth and i will watch you die. then , ill take your phone and take some pictures and post them all over your social media accounts so everyone can see you died with your dick up your ass and your balls in your mouth," i said looking directly in his eyes to watch the fear creep in. i let go and he backed up then took off to his car.

When i stepped back into the room, i verbally attacked Angel.

"What the fuck did you guys do," i asked her.

"Nothing," she said looking down.

"Your lying. You guys fucked didnt you," i said getting frustrated.

"He gave me some vodka or something and a few blunts. I wouldnt have done the stuff if i knew we were gonna do it," she said.

"Pack everything right now. Everything we came with. We are going to the airport at 12:30. Me and you are gonna go to california early. Ill tell you why over breakfast. Hurry and pack, and we'll leave."

"Why are we going early? Did something bad happen?"

"I will tell you over breakfast." i was so angry with her. She cheated on Jahseh while he was in a coma.

After 10 minutes, we were both ready.

"Where do you wanna eat," i asked her.

"I think IHOP sounds good."

"Okay. IHOP it is." we pulled into the parking lot and order our food inside.

The waiter came with our food. I ordered 3 small pancakes, 1 scrambled egg, 2 pieces of toast, and a tall glass of orange juice. Angel ordered 1 big pancake, 2 scrambled eggs, and 2 hashbrowns, and a tall glass of orange juice. We dug in. when we finished, we paid and went to the airport. Sitting in the first class area was super weird. It was mainly old rich people. They smelt bad too. When we boarded the plane, i requested 2 pillows and 1 large blanket. She flight attendant came and offered me some snacks. Neither Angel or i got any.

"Can you tell me now why we are going to California early," angel asked me.

"Yes, i can. Jahseh woke up while we were just getting to the concert," i told her in a flat tone.

"What!? Why didnt diego call us and tell us immediately? Why didnt anyone call me," she asked, hysterical.

"You were to busy fucking a dumpster!" i turned over and shut my eyes, blocking out whatever she was saying. I did feel bad when i heard her sniffling, but i would just deal with it when we get to Cali.

I feel so bad :( ughh poor Jahseh..

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