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The worn out and too small sneakers rubbed harshly at the heels of Yoongi's feet, his socks doing nothing to lessen the pain of impending blisters

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The worn out and too small sneakers rubbed harshly at the heels of Yoongi's feet, his socks doing nothing to lessen the pain of impending blisters. The chilly autumn wind nipped at his ears and made them an angry red, but Yoongi knew not to slow down.

He had to get home before his father.

Just the mere thought of clashing with his alcoholic and violent parent made him ignore the agony he felt and speed up his steps, gripping the straps of his backpack tighter, anxiety and fear coursing steadily through his veins like a drug. It was a feeling he felt all too often.

The wind howled loudly, making Yoongi's spine shiver with an unpleasant suspicion. Rustles of litter against the concrete created a ghostly noise. It definitely didn't help the young boy that the skies were darkening rapidly and he lived in a terrible, criminal based neighbourhood. Everything about his life was awful, but he was used to it.

It was all he'd ever known.

The quiet roar of an engine came up from behind him, making him whimper pathetically, the sound getting lost in the traveling wind. He peeked to his left and spotted the vehicle slowing down beside him. It was a nice car, Yoongi would admit, something you wouldn't see in this part of town. It was a shiny black, recently polished and the windows were tinted, preventing the youth from seeing anything inside.

"You all right, kid?" Yoongi startled when a deep, rich voice escaped the car, the driver's seat window now rolled down over half way. The male's face was still partially hidden by the shadows, and Yoongi unconsciously starting walking faster.

"Mm, I-I'm fine," he said shakily, pink tongue wiping over his chapped lips as he tried to calm his nerves internally.

"It's a little late to be walking home alone, you know," the driver said unhelpfully. "How old're you? Thirteen?"

Yoongi's face coloured. "S-Seventeen," he muttered softly.

He knew he was small for his age, and a little young looking, but to be mistaken for a thirteen year old? Yoongi scrunched up his nose in distaste, almost bursting through his timid persona to snap at the rude adult, but spotted the alleyway which led straight to his street and he took off in a split second, not even bidding goodbye to the stranger.

He stopped running after a fun minutes, the only noise that could be heard was the violent thrumming of his pulse and his arduous breathing. He glanced back occasionally until he reached his front door, sticking the silver key into the hole and giving it a quick turn.

Though Yoongi knew he still wasn't safe from the streets, because home was just as dangerous, if not more, when his father was home. He'd never know the true feeling of safe, Yoongi decided with a frown, hopping up to his bedroom and locking the door.

"I-I'm home, Dolly," Yoongi spoke softly, his fox-like eyes peering around his bare bedroom for his best friend.

He got down on his knees, peeping under the bed but no sign of Dolly was there. Worry pierced through him like a knife, his eyes getting watery. If anything had happened to his only comfort in the world, he would never forgive himself.

"Dolly..." He scrubbed at his eyes, clearing away the warm salty droplets. He let out a soft gasp when scratching came from the closet door, followed by a quiet meow and he wasted no time in yanking the door open, ripping it almost off its hinges despite his strength, or lack thereof.

The ginger cat tiptoed out of the small space and blinked up at Yoongi with her one blue eye and one green eye, a beautiful combination. She rubbed her head on the teenagers knee when he bent down, purrs emitting from her chest softly, odd eyes content now her companion was here.

A grin broke out on Yoongi's face and he scooped up the small cat and curled up on his bed, eyes fluttering closed happily as he enjoyed the rare moment of peace and tranquility.

He remembered bringing Dolly home, the ginger fur ball was small and tiny then, tucked away securely in fifteen year old Yoongi's jacket, mewling helplessly for milk and warmth. He had come across a homeless man with a cardboard box, and Dolly was the only one left, not even a blanket to soothe her.

No one had wanted to take the ginger with two different eye colours, the homeless man had said. The others were a gorgeous white with matching blue or golden eyes, and they left quickly without a care for their little sister. Yoongi immediately took the kitten home, vowing to protect her no matter the cost.


The slam of the front door and slurred screech of his father made Yoongi jump, protectively cuddling Dolly to his chest. He had somehow miraculously kept Dolly hidden away for two years, the small hole in the closet that led into the wall being her hiding spot. Yoongi often found himself wishing to be that small, too. He and Dolly could live there forever, just the two of them. Safe and sound.

Of course that was impossible, no matter how small and scrawny he was.

"Hide, Dolly!" he ordered to the confused cat. She dug her claws into the material of Yoongi's clothes, but not sharp enough to pierce his skin. She had been alone all day and didn't want to let him go, and although Yoongi felt the same, he didn't want her to get hurt, so he placed her in the hole in the closet and blocked it off with a pile of clothes, then shut the closet doors as his bedroom door knob began rattling.

A deep chuckle sounded from behind the oak. "I know you're in there, Yoongi. Best not to make it worse for yourself and unlock the door."

His father's tone was slurred, a clear sign he was filled with alcohol. He made the mistake of letting out a cry, scrambling under his bed for safety. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and covered his ears to block out the yelling and thudding from the other places in the house.

It finally stopped two hours later.

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