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It was only fifteen minutes later Yoongi was being carried down the grand staircase on Appa's hip in the cute little crab rash-guard, lower area bulging embarrassingly due to the waterproof nappy

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It was only fifteen minutes later Yoongi was being carried down the grand staircase on Appa's hip in the cute little crab rash-guard, lower area bulging embarrassingly due to the waterproof nappy. Yoongi tightened the yellow duck poncho towel around him, Bear tucked snugly inside the front, small furry head peeking out. Appa cooed, pinching Yoongi's cheek ever so lightly when the younger gave his wellingtons a faint swing.

Commotion from the kitchen brought the two there. The other three adults were busying about, packing foods and leftovers inside the cooler, bottles of water, ice-lollies — although Yoongi was too busy gazing at Jeongguk pumping air inside of a doughnut shaped pool float to notice his Daddy slip the icy treats in. The atmosphere was a pleasant one, joyful. A stark contrast to what the past week had been.

Daddy closed the cooler shut, clicking the locks in place. His eyes sparkled delightfully at the sight of Yoongi propped up on his Appa's hip in his cute little swimsuit and wellies.

"You look adorable," he cooed, coming forth and teasingly bopping Yoongi's nose. "I remember when you picked this swimsuit out, Joonie. And the wellies. You were disappointed you couldn't find crab matching ones."

Yoongi immediately looked up to see Appa's reaction. Two dimples were in place as the man smiled. "Frogs are cute. Yoongi makes anything look cute. Isn't that night, angel?" Yoongi looked away, cheeks heating up. Jeongguk chuckled distantly. "Besides, I'm sure we'll find some crab wellingtons in the future. If not, I'll design a pair and get them specially made."

"Of course," Daddy smiled. "Did you put a waterproof diaper on him?" he asked next, much to Yoongi's chagrin. The poor baby whined softly and shot his face downwards and out of everyone's view.

"Yes, and I've packed a spare. His arm bands, too," Appa said.

"We've got the buckets and spades," Jimin piped up. "I found a couple of small nets, too, in case we see some salamanders or frogs."

Jeongguk grinned. "Yeah, we'll leave hyung's fish friends alone," he teased.

Appa shook his head in exasperation and gave his eyes a roll, although a hint of a smile stuck to his lips the whole time.

"I think we've got everything, then. It's only quarter to eleven, we can spend the whole day there and in the garden house if the weather's nice. It feels like a hot summer's day despite it being autumn," Jimin said.

"I hope so," Jeongguk added. "I better not have blown this up for nothing."

"You used an air pump, Gukkie. I'm sure not much of your strength was required." Jeongguk grumbled at his boyfriend's banter, swatting at the shorter man lightly. Yoongi saw content smiles on both of his captor's faces. Much more amiable than the stressed ones they often wore. Yoongi knew it was temporary, though.

Happiness was always temporary.

"I'm sure it will be," Jimin reassured. "Trust me, the whole scenery is beautiful. You guys will really love it."

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