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The next day Yoongi knew there was something bothering his kidnapper when he completely forgot to remove his oatmeal covered bib

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The next day Yoongi knew there was something bothering his kidnapper when he completely forgot to remove his oatmeal covered bib. Yoongi ended up tearing it off himself and tossing it to the floor, leaving behind a glob of porridge when it was picked up by a flustered Daddy.

It was wiped up wordlessly as Yoongi stared, suspicious, from his seat on the couch, the nameless brown bear beside him and the unused yellow pacifier on the cushion.

Although he'd rather not be fussed over every second, something big was clearly happening and Yoongi felt scared and confused with no knowledge of what it was, so, in retaliation at being ignored he picked up the dummy and threw it with all the strength he could muster, and surprisingly it bounced right off Daddy's head and clattered onto the hard wood floor.

"Sweetheart," Daddy said exasperated as he picked the soother up, "don't throw things, please. That's not a very nice thing to do, is it? You could've really hurt Daddy."

The perturbed aura that followed his kidnapper around had affected Yoongi, latching onto him closely. It left a very unsettling glare on his little face and when Daddy was looking, Yoongi simply rolled his eyes and grumbled.

"You're a little grumpy bear today, aren't you, love?" Daddy sighed softly, picking the younger up. Yoongi grasped the man's shoulders, like he always did when he was suddenly picked up. It wasn't intentional, he simply didn't want to feel like he was about to fall although that had never happened.

"You woke up a few times last night. You didn't have a good sleep, hm?" Daddy murmured. He ran his hand up and down Yoongi's back reassuringly, rocking the smaller body gently.

That certainly was true. Yoongi hadn't been sleeping very well in the past few days and perhaps it had taken its toll on his current behaviour.

"P-Put me down," he grumbled, attempting to wiggle from the man's clutches. "Let g-go."

Daddy stared at Yoongi with a raised eyebrow. The younger hadn't expressed this much emotion in a while. "Can you ask nicely for Daddy, baby? Do you remember your kind words?"

Except no nice words were used and teeth lightly pierced the brunette man's shoulder, drawing a surprised and pained gasp from him. Yoongi had felt brave then but all that had vanished upon seeing the frightening look of anger on his kidnapper, much similar to the one he had seen all those days ago during their attempt at trying to bathe him.


Yoongi was hastily carried towards the office and right in the corner by the entrance, back touching the wall.

"You do not bite, Yoongi. That isn't a nice thing to do. I'm very disappointed in you."

The teenager shivered at the icy tone, extremely different to the soft, calming voice that usually accompanied his captor. If anything, he'd expected to hear it from Appa, like when he had told those students off in the cafeteria. It just made Yoongi realise that his kidnappers did have limits and if he pushed too far, he'd definitely get something a lot worse than a simple time out. His second one since he got here.

Daddy sighed, large hand reaching up to prod at the bite mark. It was sore and he winced with an intake of breath. He stared down at a cowering Yoongi, the boy looking impossibly smaller lodged into the corner, though he merely sent him an unimpressed stare.

"You stay there and think about your actions, little boy," he said sternly. "If Daddy finds out you've moved then you'll do your timeout in your crib instead."

Yoongi watched with wide, frightened eyes as the man left. He didn't dare move (not that he could manage much movement anyway, he'd probably only crawl to the middle of the room before collapsing in exhaustion). Instead he felt like crying which just added to the embarrassment he already felt. 

He sat rigid in the corner for what felt like an eternity, teary eyes set on the closed office door, dreading the return of his kidnapper.

But when the doors opened a moment later, Yoongi shot his head to the ground in fear, hearing a soft sigh. Gentle arms curled under his armpits and a shaky cry tumbled from his lips but he was shushed quietly, being rocked in a broad hold.

"It's okay, darling," Daddy murmured, kissing Yoongi's temple. "That was a little too much for you to handle, wasn't it, my poor boy," he cooed, palm resting on the back of the smaller's head, his little face buried in the crook of his neck as he silently cried.

Yoongi eventually stopped crying, nose stuffy and regret flooding through his body at the action he did earlier — certainly not because it upset his captor greatly but because of the frightening look and tone that followed afterwards, at least, that's what Yoongi chose to believe. Perhaps it was true, perhaps it wasn't. Maybe a bit of both.

"There we go. That's it," Daddy whispered. Once Yoongi was relatively calm the older man placed him on his hip, strolling over to the desk and grabbing some tissue from the holder. He gently wiped Yoongi's nose. "Daddy's sorry for leaving you alone, baby, but you really hurt him. Not just his shoulder; you hurt Daddy's heart."

Yoongi blinked sleepily, head resting on his captor's uninjured shoulder.

He sniffled. "M'sorry..." The apology was barely audible.

Daddy cooed, still rocking the younger, a hand tenderly rubbing up and down his arm. "That's okay. Daddy forgives you. My sweet, sweet boy," he murmured, placing a wet kiss on Yoongi's flushed cheek.

"I think it's time for an early nap, honey. Let's go get you your bear to cuddle."


oh look a cat gif how cute

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