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Yoongi blinked sleepily, confused and weary, when he felt himself being lifted into the air, enveloped in warmth

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Yoongi blinked sleepily, confused and weary, when he felt himself being lifted into the air, enveloped in warmth. He tried not to think about it too much, too tired, and tried to chase after the sleep when he was placed back down again, miserably whining when he found it wasn't the cloudy safe haven he was previously on and instead a lumpy one.

A soft chuckle came from somewhere in the room, along with rustling about and closing and opening of drawers.

All sleep and tiredness immediately left Yoongi when he felt someone prodding at his torso, slowly trailing down to his lower area. He squeaked, eyes snapping open and leg thrusting out weakly.

"You're wet, sweetheart. Daddy needs to change you so you don't get any nasty rashes."

His kidnapper continued unbuttoning the onesie, humming a sweet tune in hopes to ease Yoongi's nerves, although it barely worked. Unbeknownst to the teenager, his captors had had a discussion and agreed to do things more differently in hopes to settle Yoongi into his new life with more freedom on his half, even if it meant it would be a lot harder on them both.

Protesting through the gag, Yoongi, feeling a little stronger than yesterday, attempted to roll sideways and kick his legs out.

Unfortunately the male steadied him and sent a stern but gentle, adoring look. "No kicking, that's not nice. Daddy's only trying to help you, baby. Nearly done. I promise."

And Yoongi blushed darkly, but obeyed and remained still (except for a few fidgets and displeased noises), and allowed himself to be cleaned up and strapped into a new nappy. Certainly not because he was adjusting, but because the memories of yesterday came back and he was utterly afraid of what would happen if he decided not to listen.

"There you go, my good boy. All clean," Daddy cooed, picking him up. Yoongi was completely bare, aside from the diaper decorated with Winnie the Pooh. He prayed and hoped he wasn't going to spend the day like this, and thankfully they were answered, although not in the nicest of ways.

Daddy lifted up a hanger with grey cotton overalls, a cutely drawn lion's face in the torso, with a long sleeved undershirt striped red and white. It wasn't a onesie nor any sort of pajamas, meaning things were changing and Yoongi did not like how that sounded.

"Let's get you dressed for the day. Appa's making breakfast, a special one just for you," Daddy said, carefully manoeuvring Yoongi's arms into the sleeves, smile slowly fading. "But we need to have a little talk first. About yesterday."

Yoongi's face fell. He was surely going to be beaten or hurt in some form or shape, a punishment for yesterday's scene.

Daddy caught on quickly, noticing the tears swelling up, and he cooed, heart cracking, as he cupped his baby's puffy cheeks. "Oh no, baby, it's okay. You're not in trouble. Daddy promises. You're okay. Poor sweetheart."

Daddy continued whispering and holding Yoongi close until his breathing calmed and tears stopped. Then he pulled away and chuckled, pecking the younger's fringe that desperately needed cutting. "There you go, darling. Let's finish getting you dressed."

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