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Yoongi could hear the muffled distressed voice of his kidnapper through the nursery walls

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Yoongi could hear the muffled distressed voice of his kidnapper through the nursery walls. After clumsily changing his wet nappy, Daddy had placed teary kiss to his cheek and placed him in his crib with Bear for an early nap. But Yoongi couldn't think about sleeping right now.

Instead, he was sat up and curled in corner of the cot, the wooden bars digging uncomfortably into his shoulder blades, but Yoongi simply ignored it and held Bear close, finding comfort when the fur brushed smoothly over his tear stained cheek.

He didn't even know why he was so upset. They had no choice but to let him go. Otherwise, from what Yoongi had gathered out in the garden with that terrifying woman, they'd lose the house. They couldn't exactly keep Yoongi hostage under their shirts or at a homeless shelter.

Although perhaps, if he thought about it deeply enough, he'd realise the hurt he currently felt came from the words Daddy had said. Claiming Yoongi to be disabled. To require special needs. When none of that was true, not one bit.

And the more he did think about it, the more the hurt turned to anger and the unhappy tears morphed into hot droplets of fury.

Gathering his strength, Yoongi gently placed Bear down and crawled over to the handful of other non significant stuffed animals by the end, sitting nicely in one straight line. Growling softly, he reached out and plucked the frog with beady eyes, launching it out of the crib. It's plastic eyes clacked on the wall quietly.

The other stuffed animals followed. The duck, tiger, bunny, eagle, skunk and dog all crashed against the wall and fell to the ground. By the end of it all, Yoongi was heaving, a glare settled on his face. But of course that wasn't the end of it and out went the blankets, leaving nothing but poor Bear and an exhausted Yoongi sitting on a bare mattress printed with animals.

Tears leaked out miserably just as the door opened. Yoongi squeaked and dashed to the corner with his cuddly friend held close.

He watched with solemn and frightened eyes as his kidnappers (it seemed as though Appa had returned from work early due to the current crisis) observe the mess of blankets and plush toys.

Eventually Appa came forward, easily lifting Yoongi out with a soft sigh.

"Hey, baby," he murmured, thumb wiping at a stray tear. "It's been a rough day for you, hasn't it, sugar?"

"Wanna g-go home now, p-please," he begged, fear evaporating and desperation taking its place.

Daddy was silent, watching as Yoongi begged with broken eyes, heart physically hurting at the scene although he made no move to console their distraught baby.

"Hey, hey, calm down, little one," Appa tried, momentarily surprised at the death grip Yoongi had on the bear, taking notice of how he'd carelessly thrown the other stuffed animals out, even the blankets, but kept that particular one close. "Daddy and I have to tell you something."

"H-Home," Yoongi cried out. "She... she s-said-"

Appa turned to his husband, subtly beckoning him over. Daddy dropped the bunny animal he had picked up and instead took Yoongi's shaky, small hands in his own, enveloping them in warmth.

"Breathe, Yoongi," he instructed calmly. "Deep breaths. That's it, good boy, darling."

Gradually, Yoongi's panicked and stuttering breaths receded down to calm, slightly quivering, shallow ones. His cheeks were flushed red and eyes pink, whole face layered with tears and sweat.

"Yoongi-" Daddy started softly, clearly having trouble on how to continue. It spiked Yoongi's fear up again and Bear was choking with the tight grip around his neck.

Appa took hold of his husbands knuckle, squeezing gently. "Angel." He made sure Yoongi was paying full attention, having noticed how the boy's eyes kept darting from corners of the room to their concerned faces.

"We're going to be leaving this house, baby," he finally said. Yoongi froze. "We're going to another one. Your toys and pictures can come, you'll still have your own nursery but it won't be decorated like this one. But we can still hang your drawings up, hm?"

Yoongi was bounced slightly, feeling a soft squeeze on his hand by Daddy. He blinked, tear filled eyes going up and making contact with Daddy's own equally sad ones.

"Sweetheart," he started, voice laced with uneasiness. "There's... going to be other people in the house, too."

Had they really considered a homeless shelter ? That was Yoongi's first thought and frustration slowly built up.

"It's okay. Daddy and Appa will be there. There's always going to be one of us with you. We won't ever let anyone hurt you, Yoongi." Daddy's tone was firm and soothing, but his face was still clearly exhausted and strained.

"Never, baby boy," Appa added in a whisper, giving a chaste kiss to Yoongi's upper cheek. "Don't worry, love. They're nice people and they'll love you no matter what, okay? In fact, they've been wanting to meet you."

"They won't be disappointed." Daddy smiled weakly.

Appa agreed with his own smile, dimples appearing. "Do you have any questions, baby?"

Yes, Yoongi had loads of questions, but all that tumbled out when he spoke was a pathetic,


The two men shared a look and Daddy grabbed the youngest, holding him close and whispering quiet words, a hand rubbing up and down Yoongi's clothed back.

"You're okay, you're okay," he soothed, cradling the small body. "Come on, sweetheart, let's get you some lunch," he added, but as he headed for the exit, Yoongi screeched and reached a pathetic hand out for Appa who was as equally as surprised as his husband.

"You want Appa, baby?" the teacher cooed, hiding his confusion as to why he was suddenly wanted when just a moment ago Yoongi would rather be with neither of them.

Yoongi remained quiet and hid his face in the crook of Appa's neck, Bear still clutched under his arm. The smell of the cologne from this morning made Yoongi calm down and accept the sweet words and soft touches just for now, exhaustion coursing through his bones, too tired to protest and argue.


no stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this chapter

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