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The night was dreary

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The night was dreary. Raindrops pelted harshly against the nursery's window pane, thunder rattled in the distance, resonating its vicious clashes with the attacks of angry lightning, often illuminating the dark room where Yoongi slept disturbed in his crib, the only source of comfort light coming from his mobile and by the bunny nightlight atop of the changing table.

But the boy was not awake.

He would of been if it hadn't been for his kidnappers, so instead, Yoongi lay still on the patchwork comforter, hand knitted blanket tucked underneath his pale arms. His little face was screwed up in displeasure, a heartbreaking sight, as tiny whimpers came from his throat.

It was as if the thunderstorm outside had mimicked the actions happening inside the teenager's poorly stomach, his intestines twisting and curling with awful sounds.

Eventually, the weather calmed considerably and returned back to its graphite colour painted with specks of sparkling stars, and Yoongi slept calmly with his cuddly bear by his side.


The next day was beautiful, as if the war that had occurred last night hadn't happened at all. Birds were perched on damp branches, tweeting and chirping, calling for any other survivors of the storm or announcing it was over. The sun shone through the tall bay windows of the Kim residence, blanketing the home with a warm glow. Yoongi was the first to awake.

And he immediately felt better than he had since he was kidnapped. His tummy no longer ached and his head wasn't throbbing as it usually did. The feeling was back in his forearms and feet, making Yoongi feel more alive than ever.

Until he registered the uncomfortable feeling in his lower region and the vague smell that hung in the air, slightly foul.

Yoongi paled.

Had he really done what he wished most not to do while he slept ?

Even the newly returned ability to move his hands and curl his toes didn't excite him after he realised what had happened. He hadn't realised he had begun crying until he heard light footsteps coming from down the hall. Curse his whimpers and that stupid monitor, but Yoongi knew his kidnappers would've come to see to him soon, anyway.

The door opened, the artificial light from the hallway joining in with the natural sun. There stood Appa, dressed completely for work with his smart tie and knitted vest coat. Blonde hair swept neatly to the side, he was looking exceedingly handsome.

"Baby's awake a little earlier, huh?" Appa cooed with a dimpled grin, clearly not catching onto Yoongi's distress and the certain smell that emitted from him.

At least until he bent down and lifted the distraught boy from the crib.

"Oh, did you go in your nappy, baby boy?" Appa's grin seemed to widen and Yoongi's wails grew higher in pitch. "Shh, it's okay. Appa'll change you into a nice fresh diaper and then you can have your milky, does that sound nice?"

No, it certainly didn't sound nice.

As Yoongi was placed onto the large changing table he resisted the strong urge to kick out his little feet and fist his knuckles. He definitely couldn't let his kidnappers know about his new leverage. It was his only chance at escaping.

"Did he go?" Just then, as his baby grow was being unbuttoned, Daddy strolled in with casual clothes and glasses perched upon his nose smartly. "You're gonna be late, Joonie, let me take care of him."

Stepping aside, Appa stroked his baby's hair and pecked his teary, flushed cheeks, cooing as his heart broke at the sight. "Don't cry, Yoonie. Appa's going to bring you a surprise back for being such a brave little baby."

"Such a spoiled sweetheart, aren't you?" Daddy smiled softly, joining in on the baby talk. He turned and kissed his husband goodbye. Soon it was just the two of them in the room, the draft left from the door closing rising goosebumps from the younger's bare legs.

"Daddy has to clean you, darling. We don't want you getting a rash or becoming sick. It'll be over before you know it and then you can have some warm milk, hm?" Daddy murmured, trying to reassure his baby.

Yoongi continued to choke on his sobs as his kidnapper effortlessly cleaned him up, all while whispering sweet words. Yoongi was sure his face was as bright as a tomato from embarrassment. Within mere minutes he was strapped in a new nappy and buttoned into a spaceship footie onesie, cuddled into Daddy's broad chest.

"There we go, that's it," the man whispered soothingly. Ten minutes had passed and finally Yoongi's distraught wails died down to pitiful sniffles and hiccups (as much as he could do that with the gag). "That was a little scary, huh? Don't worry, baby. Daddy and Appa are doing this because we love you. Nothing will ever change that."

Yoongi tried his best not to grip onto his kidnapper's shirt, having able to move his fingers without trouble now, but remained limp and tense as he was carried to the large kitchen.

He'd have to get out of here. He didn't dare look the man in the eyes, choosing to keep his head cast downwards and eyes hazed when he was bottle fed his bland breakfast.

All the way through the story of Three Little Pigs, settled on his captor's lap, Yoongi was deep in serious thought.

Imagining ways of how he planned to escape - and how he'd get his revenge.


well it took fourteen chapters but yoongi finally had a shit

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