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The room stood still for a few seconds, surprise evident on everyone's face

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The room stood still for a few seconds, surprise evident on everyone's face. Jimin jumped up straight with his cotton candy locks bouncing before he dashed towards the kitchen, Appa following close behind. Yoongi held close onto Daddy and Bear as they also followed (he whined in protest but his small noises of disagreement went wholly unheard due to the panicked yells of all adults).

Through a beautiful archway was a large kitchen that was much more modern and bigger than their last home. It was not on fire.

Clearly the tall muscular male with black hair and bottomless dark eyes had exaggerated, because the only thing lit with fire was a frying pan.

The scene looked as though it had been taken right out of a comedy. The unnamed man was holding onto the red handle of the cooking pan with a panicky expression, Jimin attempting to wave at the dancing flames with a tea towel.

They were yelling and Yoongi cowered in fright, Bear slipping right from his fingers amidst the terror.

"Jeongguk!" Jimin yelled, high pitched, when the rabbit resembling man, clearly named Jeongguk, accidentally whacked the checkered tea towel onto the ground, sizzling with small flames.

Surprisingly it was Appa that saved the day. Rushing to fetch another towel, successfully waving the frying pan fire out whilst stamping on the destroyed cloth. The room was filled with puffs of grey smoke and the alarms were blaring loudly, causing Yoongi's ears to ring.

The adults shared a few words that Yoongi missed before Daddy carried them both towards the front door, leaving it open with a stopper to allow the smoke to escape.

"Oh, you poor baby," Daddy cooed. The alarms had stopped shrieking now yet Yoongi still heard the distance noise throbbing painfully in his ears. It was much louder than their old house. Yoongi was sure a police siren screaming through a megaphone right into his ears would've been more bearable. "You're all right. Appa put the fire out. Remember when he burned your oatmeal? Hm? It's just like that, an accident. We're all safe."

"B-but Bear-" Yoongi stammered out weakly.

Daddy took a silent moment to comprehend what had happened. The soft toy wasn't sat snugly between Yoongi's fingers, nor was it on the couch where they had been sitting.

With glassy dun eyes and trembling lips, Yoongi looked up towards the doorway of the kitchen when the three adults entered. Appa, Jimin (whose special nickname still hadn't been spoken) and the tall built male with a youthful appearance.

And Bear was right in his hands.

"Is everyone all right?" Daddy rushed to ask, strolling towards his husband and checking for any visible injuries. A few blots of soot was smudged onto his dimpled cheeks that were also flushed with a fierce red colour, either from the panic of the moment or the close proximity to the heat of the frying pan - it was probably both.

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