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The indistinguishable and overbearing chatter of the other few hundreds students made Yoongi's head numb with pain as he tried to block out the unwelcome noise by placing hooking his black hoodie around his head and giving the strings a haste tug

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The indistinguishable and overbearing chatter of the other few hundreds students made Yoongi's head numb with pain as he tried to block out the unwelcome noise by placing hooking his black hoodie around his head and giving the strings a haste tug.

His fingertips traced the faded printed words of his book, the pages worn out and crumbling. The spine of the novel was practically nonexistent from years of bending, straps of sellotape holding the fine paper together loosely. Yoongi already already read it several times, but it was an enjoyable book.

Alice in Wonderland.

He loved how Alice fell down a rabbit hole and into a fantasy world of amazement, and though she had troubles on her way and it was sometimes frightening, Yoongi would rather be in Alice's imagination than in his reality any day.

He jumped when something white flew passed him and landed gracefully by his book, hearing the sniggers and stifled laughter behind him. He didn't know why they bothered trying to hide their chortling, it's not like he would get the guts to stand up to them.

He'd look like an angry kitten at best.

He exhaled softly, hand reaching for the paper airplane even though he knew of the cruel and menacing words that was written in it. They'd storm right over if he ignored it, taking it as a personal offence to them.

Although, before he could carefully unfold the origami, an intimidating shadow loomed over him, a large tanned hand grabbing the paper and scrunching it up, tossing it in the trash beside him. Because that's always where Yoongi sat at lunch. By the trash, where he belonged according to his father and the students that teased him relentlessly.

"You shouldn't be reading the notes they give to you, Yoongi," the tall male said. Yoongi barely had the bravery to sneak a glance up at the unfamiliar person, but he did and gave a gulp when he made eye contact, hurriedly shoving his face back in his book rudely, although that wasn't his intention.

"You three boys. Come here." Yoongi startled at the booming voice. It even quietened the majority of the busy cafeteria. Thuds of multiple footsteps were heard behind Yoongi.

He just wanted to get out of here, go home to Dolly.

"If I catch you sending anymore malicious words or insults to this student, I'll personally call your parents myself and get you three expelled. Am I clear?" the obvious teacher snapped, voice dominant and cold.

"It wasn't us-" one of the culprits attempted to lie with a snide tone.

"Am I clear?"

The bullies remained silent, and Yoongi guessed they nodded.

"I prefer verbal answers."

Yoongi shivered. He didn't want to get on the bad this of this teacher. The voice was unfamiliar, even the face he vaguely took in. He was young, that's for sure. How he also knew his name made tingles climb up Yoongi's spine. No teacher ever referred to him by his first name.

"Yes sir," the three students said in unison. Yoongi heard the tall teacher hum.

"And drop the attitude, or else it's detention with me," the teacher threatened. "It won't be pleasant."

Yoongi wanted to disappear right then and there, especially when the teenagers hurried off, most likely muttering all the curse words they knew under their breath, and he was alone with this frightening teacher.

The teacher never left. He could feel his eyes on him, but he didn't say a word. He began shaking, gripping his book so tight his slender fingers hurt from the pressure.

A hand gently tugged his own away and he gasped, looking up with wide, innocent eyes. The teacher grinned but it disappeared almost as quick as it appeared.

"Aren't you going to eat, Yoongi?" he asked curiously, tilting his head. "You're a busy boy. You need your strength."

Yoongi suddenly lost his voice, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. But the nameless teacher waited patiently, his full lips set into an endearing smile.

Finally, he manged a meek, "I-I'm not hungry."

It was a lie. He was hungry, starving, ravenous. With no food at home and no money to buy school meals, he depended on the loose change he found at the launderette or in soda machines, on arcade floors if he didn't get kicked out by security. Fortunately, the instant ramen was only short of two dollars and it filled up his little tummy for a while.

Food for Dolly was another issue.

The teacher took a seat. "It's not very nice to lie, Yoongi. Especially to grown-ups."

Yoongi jumped, suddenly becoming even more nervous than he was. He found himself lying to all the other teachers and students (with deep remorse afterwards) that he sometimes didn't know he was doing it. He thought he was good at pretending, but he thought wrong.

"Sorry," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact. It was silent for a few moments, and small rips made their way into the tattered pages of Alice in Wonderland, a cause of Yoongi's uncomfortable fidgeting.

A 5 dollar note was placed in front of him.

"Get yourself something to eat, there's still ten minutes of lunch left. Young boys like yourself shouldn't be going to lessons on an empty stomach," the teacher explained, getting up and leaving.

Yoongi was grateful, clutching the note in his palm tightly when the teacher left the cafeteria, afraid it would disappear with him. He was embarrassed that he had to be given a donation just to afford a daily meal, and from a highschool teacher no less, but it was the most kindness he had received in a while.

But he didn't buy any lunch. Instead, he tucked the money into his pocket securely, his stomach growling in protest. He could go a few hours without food, then he'd treat himself with the medium sized ramen cup, and have more than enough to buy Dolly her favourite canned food in gravy.

He wanted to thank the teacher, although unfortunately he didn't catch his name.

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