chapter 6; breakfast

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"Isabella Perkins!"

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"Isabella Perkins!"

Isabella winced as her full name was called by her mother. "Yes mother?" She answered as politely as possible. Her mother stomped over to her in her heels, "You were back at a ridiculous hour last night. And with a boy! Did you have sex?"

"Mother!" Isabella's jaw dropped, shocked, "no! I didn't! And even if I did, that's no business of yours! I'm 25, I can make my own choices."

"I don't want the talk of the town to be that Isabella Perkins is running around, dropping her knickers for any man!" Her mother was red in the face as she yelled, and Bella sighed, "mother, I have more respect for myself that that. We only went out on a date. One date. And we did not sleep together. I promise you."

Her mother seemed to calm down at her words, recollecting herself, "well, keep it that way. And drink some water darling. If you ate out last night, you could've put on a couple of pounds."

She sighed as her mother left the house to go to work. "She's so goddamn rude," Victoria grumbled, walking down the stairs in her dressing gown, "honest to god. I can't stand her."

Isabella chuckled at her sister, "I made French toast. Want some?" Victoria's eyes lit up, "hell yeah I want some!"

Isabella laughed again, walking her sister hurry to the table. She was about to join her, till her phone rang. She smiled as she picked it up, "hey you."

"Hey you back," Lucky chuckled, "I know it's early, but-"

"I would love to get breakfast with you," Isabella interrupted, grabbing her coat as she heard Lucky's laugh down the phone.

"That's good. Cause I'm outside," Lucky grinned as he hung up the phone. Isabella smiled, glancing over to her sister who was smirking, "go on. I'll eat all the French toast."

"You're the best," Isabella grinned, leaving the house. She froze in shock as she saw Lucky on his bike, smirking.

"You want me to get on the back of this thing?" Isabella questioned as she walked over to him. He chuckled, handing her a helmet, "don't you trust me?"

"I barely know you. How can I trust you?" She teased, and he laughed, "I won't let anything happen to you, honest, sweetheart."

She reluctantly climbed onto the back of the bike, putting the helmet on her head. He warned her of the hot pipes against her legs, so she moved them. "Hands around my waist, Bella," he glanced back at her as he started the engine. She quickly gripped onto him, her arms wrapped tightly around him. He laughed, and began to drive slower than usual, as to not scare her.

She had to admit that she enjoyed it more than she thought she would. But she had a nagging feeling that the neighbours would tell her mother how she got onto the back of a bike with some boy.

Lucky pulled up to a small cafe, kicking the kickstand out and helping her off the bike. He gently removed the helmet from her head and lead her into the cafe. She had time to read what was patched on the back of his leather jacket: Ghost Riders.

Once they had sat down and ordered, Isabella decided to speak up, "Ghost Riders? You're a gang member?"

His brow furrowed at her words as he frowned, "not a gang, technically. A motorcycle club."

"An MC. You're part of an MC," she nodded slowly. He stayed silent as he watched her reaction, "that's not a bad thing, is it?"

"Oh, no!" Isabella said instantly, making Lucky relax, "it's just... my mom. She already doesn't like the fact I'm dating someone she doesn't know. But a motorcycle club..."

"Might not go down well," he nodded slowly, before smirking, "wait a sec. We're dating now?"

Isabella stuttered a flustered response as she squirmed, "well, I-I mean- I suppose-"

Lucky only chuckled, reaching over and taking his hand in her own, "relax, baby."

She laughed nervously as she relaxed into the seat, and Lucky leaned over and kissed her cheek, making her blush deeply, "you're too cute."


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Isabella's Luck (#1 of the Ghost Riders series)Where stories live. Discover now