chapter 14; talking to panther

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The next day, while Isabella was pacing around her room while debating what to do about her parents, or if she should tell them she was leaving, her phone rang

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The next day, while Isabella was pacing around her room while debating what to do about her parents, or if she should tell them she was leaving, her phone rang.

Her eyes widened in fear that her parents would hear it, so she ran over and answered it quickly, knowing it was only Lucky, "you said you'd give me three days."

"Three days? What did Lucky do now?" A voice chuckled down the phone as yelling was heard in the back ground.

"Uh, who is this?" Isabella furrowed her eyebrows as the voice laughed, "Yeah, Of course he didn't tell you about his best friend. I'm Panther, best friends with your bitch of a boyfriend."

Isabella laughed as she heard Lucky yelling in the background, "Panther! Shane! Give me my goddamn phone back!"

"Shane?" She questioned, and Panther chuckled, "real name. Thor! Hold the damn man down, I'm not done talking to his woman."

Isabella giggled, "I'm his woman?" Panther smiled at the bashfulness in her voice, "damn straight. I heard you were moving in with us Queenie. It's been what, three months and Lucky's already whipped? You must be either really stupid or the sex must be amazing."

Isabella blushed once he said Queenie, feeling shy all of a sudden, "Queenie? He told you about that?"

"Course he did," Panther scoffed, "once he fell for you, he fell hard. He doesn't stop talking about you. And when he's not talking about you, he's climbing up to your window."

"He fell for me?" She asked quietly, and Panther nodded, heading into a room where Lucky couldn't hear him, "he fell hard. And I'm pretty sure you fell too, sweetheart. Us bikers tend to fall in love kinda quick."

"Why?" Isabella sat on her bed, "I mean, why bikers?"

"I don't know. We just find a girl and we know that they're just... right. That if they fit with us, then we're meant to be together. Most girls are just in love with the leather, you know? Love the idea of a bad boy. But some girls don't care. They're perfect for us. That's what you are to Lucky. And he sure as hell is not going to let you go, sweetheart," Panther smiled.

Isabella sighed happily as she lay back on her bed, "That's good. Cause I'm not going anywhere."

Panther was about to speak, but Isabella's eyes widened as she heard him yell and grunt, the phone clearly being dropped. "Panther?" She asked worriedly, and got a response after a minute of grunts and yells, "hey babe."

"Lucky?" She asked, "I'm so confused, where did Panther go?"

"I beat the living shit out of him. Sneaky fucker took my phone to call you, so I punched him in the eye," he chuckled, and Isabella gawped, "Michael!"

He cringed as she used his real name, whining like a child, "he started it! He took my phone, and I didn't know what he was saying to you."

"He didn't say anything bad, we were talking about how much I care about you and how I want to move in with you," Isabella shrugged, and Lucky's face lit up, "you do?"

"Not if you keep beating up Panther," she scolded, and he protested quickly, "Okay! Okay, I'll stop beating him up!"

"Good," she laughed, shaking her head as Lucky grinned, "so I'll see you in two days then?"

"Two days. I lo–" Isabella bit her tongue before she could finished her sentence, "I gotta go."

She hung up the phone before Lucky could ask questions, sighing as she grabbed a bag, beginning to pack, as quickly as she could.


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