chapter 36; preparing for war

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The sound of motorcycles roaring down the road was deafening as the Ghost Riders ripped down the road

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The sound of motorcycles roaring down the road was deafening as the Ghost Riders ripped down the road. Lucky was riding ahead, alongside Phantom and Omen, leading the way.

Once they were close to the warehouse, they parked their bikes, concealed in the trees that were on either side of the road.

Scar and Fury went first to scope out the place. Their military training was helpful in times of crisis like this.

Lucky was on edge, fidgety and unable to stay still as he paced, "what's taking them so damn long?"

"Brother, calm down," Katar rested his hand on his shoulder to reassure him, "they need to thoroughly scope the place, and make sure they stay unseen."

Lucky nodded, breathing slowly to calm himself, "Okay. What can I do to help?"

"Wait, and manage that damn temper of yours," Phantom grunted, his eyes on the warehouse as he crouched down to stay out of sight. Lucky looked to him, crouching beside him, "Prez... I really appreciate what you're doing. For me and for my girl. I know you didn't like her-"

"I still don't like her," Phantom looked to Lucky, "but I respect her. And she's with you. And you're with us."

Lucky nodded, "thank you. Sorry I was acting like a little bitch."

"Nah, it's okay. I'm used to it with Panther," Phantom smiled slightly as Lucky laughed.

"Okay I know you did not just say that," Panther glared at the men, heading over to the men. Katar shushed them all, "Scar and Fury."

All the men turned to watch the other two men walk over to the group. Scar spoke up first, "it's one big warehouse, with a smaller warehouse connected to it with all the vehicles in it. Big warehouse has been changed into offices on the top floor. Bottom floor is a drug assembly line, where they ship them out from, and there a basement that doesn't look accessible to anyone."

"He's holding the girl in the main office and the back of the building. Second story. Bulletproof glass and locked door. He knows we're coming, and he's ready for a fight," Fury said. Phantom shook his head, "he's using her as bait. He won't hurt her until we're in there with them. So here's what's happening. We're getting backup. We take out as many guards as quietly as we can. Katar and Panther will get into the office once we lure Gonzalez out. You two get the girl out of here, and we'll get the job done. Okay?"

All the men nodded, as they headed to their different positions, preparing for war.

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