chapter 28; respect

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Panther ducked his head as he watched Lucky rip apart his room

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Panther ducked his head as he watched Lucky rip apart his room. "Dude, you need to calm down!" Panther yelled, and Lucky glared at him as he panted, "fuck, I don't know what to do. I want her back. I need her back. But she's right - I have to respect her wishes."

Lucky leaned against the wall as he slumped down till he was sitting at the bottom. Panther sighed, walking over and sitting down beside him, "it'll be okay man. It'll work out."

"How?" Lucky quipped, "everything is slowly going wrong. No, we have to focus on the Gonzalez problem."

"Lucky!" Thor roared from downstairs, "get your ass down here."

Panther sighed, shaking his head as he stood up and help his brother up with him. They both walked downstairs, freezing when they saw the picture before them.

Thor was sitting beside a very wet Isabella on the sofa, wrapping a blanket around her as she shivered.

"What the hell happened to you?" Lucky frowned as he hurried over to her, falling to his knees as he wrapped his arms around her. She whimpered at the feeling of his warmth, leaning into him. "Jesus Queenie, you're freezing."

"She fucking walked here," Thor said, and Lucky's eyes widened, looking down to her, "Are you insane? It's raining like crazy out there."

"I had to get out of that house. You were right," Isabella croaked, "You were right. My mom-"

She was cut of once she started coughing, and Lucky held her closer to his chest, "we need to get you dried off and warmed up."

"I'll get someone to help clean up your room," Panther said as he headed upstairs quickly.

"I'll get some towels and another blanket," Thor stood up, ordering a few more men to do different things.

Lucky took the towel that Thor handed him, gently drying Isabella's hair, before looking down at her body, "you need to change your clothes."

She nodded, still shivering, "take me upstairs."

He wrapped a dry blanket around her before doing as she asked, lifting her bridal style up to his his room.

She looked around once they were upstairs. Panther had cleaned up the room, along with two prospects. The only problem was that there was two seats missing, and so was the coffee table.

"They broke," Panther read Lucky's mind by telling him what happened to his furniture, "when you threw them and kicked them, they broke."

"Why were you throwing furniture?" Isabella shivered as she looked up at him, and he growled as he looked down at her, "that's none of your concern right now. You need to get out of those wet clothes."

She nodded, and he sat her on the edge of the bed. His eyes widened as she began to pull her top off, "woah, what are you-"

"I don't mind," Isabella whispered, glancing up at him with her eyes. He kneeled down on the floor below her slowly, watching her. "I don't mind you seeing me," she shrugged with one shoulder.

"Are you sure?" Lucky asked softly, and she rolled her eyes slightly as she smiled, "I'm not going to be naked or anything. It's fine."

He chuckled, helping her out of her shirt. He dried her off, before heading into the closet and grabbing one of his shirts, taking it back into her. "I have my own clothes in there," She furrowed her brow, and he laughed as he helped her into his shirt, "I don't care. You look so cute, so small in my shirt."

She blushed, and he helped her get changed out of all of her wet clothes, before insisting she laid down. He lay down beside her, smiling as he pulled her close to his chest, before falling asleep himself.

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