chapter 40: a burden

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"Of course it's his baby, what the fuck?!"

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"Of course it's his baby, what the fuck?!"

Isabella glared at him for asking such a ridiculous question. Phantom shrugged, raising his hands in surrender, "sorry, Jeez! You told me you were pregnant when you very obviously haven't told Lucky, so I presumed the worst. Sorry."

Isabella huffed, shaking her head, "it's alright. It's fine."

"So why haven't you told him yet? And I know you haven't, mainly because he would be attached to your side right now if he knew," Phantom crosses his arms, before beginning to slowly walk. Isabella shrugged. Phantom raised a brow, "okay, well, that's bullshit."

Isabella sighed deeply, looking up at the sky before shaking her head, "he doesn't want children."

Phantom looked to her in shock, "no. Nah, no way. Lucky is the only guy I can imagine having kids. Well, aside from Panther. And maybe Katar."

Isabella huffed in frustration, pushing her blonde hair out of her face, "Yeah, well, we've already had that talk, and he told me himself."

"Kids? Nah, not really."

Isabella looked to Lucky slowly, trying not to show her disappointment, "really? You've never thought about it?"

"Not much to think about. I've just never wanted them," Lucky shrugged, before eyeing her, "why? You're not pregnant... are you?"

"No, God, no," Isabella shook her head, smiling slightly. Lucky sighed in relief, making her heart clench. He noticed she was tense, and sighed softly, "I'm sorry. If that's not what you want."

She had always told herself that she wanted kids, and that it was a dealbreaker if he didn't want kids. But now she had seen this whole other side of the world, one which her children wouldn't be safe in. So she got it. She so got it. Besides. He might change his mind, right?

Isabella turned to him as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, smiling softly, "it's okay. It's too early for us to ever think about that, anyway. It's fine."

Lucky hummed, his brow furrowing at her choice of words. He rubbed her lower back slowly, "but I'm not changing my mind, you have to know that. I do not want kids. Ever. You know that?"

Her heart clenched again. She forced a smile, "I know."

"And that was all before Gonzalez?" Phantom questioned, and Isabella nodded, "Yeah. But, well, the last few times we had sex..."

"Do not tell me he just pulled out," Phantom rolled his eyes as he looked over to her. The fact that she didn't look at him and she was blushing like crazy answered his questions, "are you fucking stupid? Well in that case, he deserves to be burdened with a kid."

"Burdened. I knew it. I knew you would think that," Isabella mumbled, shaking her head as tears sprung in her eyes. Phantom's eyes widened, "he's going to think this baby is a burden. He won't want them, he won't want me."

She let out a sob, and Phantom sighed, "shit, Queenie, don't cry. Fuck, I don't know what to do when women cry."

But despite his words, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his chest, wrapping his other arm around her to hug her, "listen to me. You will be okay. Lucky loves you. And if he even tries to abandon you and this baby, I will kick the shit out of him. Okay?"

Phantom smiled as he heard Isabella giggle, watching as she nodded and sniffle, "okay. Yeah. Okay."


aw, my cuties becoming friends 💞

i've just published the first chapter, aka the Cast chapter, of the SECOND BOOK OF THIS SERIES

it's about Isabella's sister Victoria. go check it out!

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