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It was a stormy night, a white unicorn mare was forcing her way through the strong wind, holding a basket. "The storm has gotten worse, But I need to find him a home, I don't think I can live with him in my home, my heart had already broken after his father passed, he was a hero... He and his father will always be in my heart though..."The mare thought. She started crying at the thought of that. When she went past through the forest, there was some light ahead. " A village!!!"The mare thought. She started running. When she arrived, the wind and rain was dying down. A cry was coming from the basket. She put the basket down carefully then levitated on what's inside. It was a foal. She sat down holding it, rocking and shushing it at the same time. It was a brown mane, light blue unicorn colt. One of the house's lights turned on. The foals crying had died down. Hoofsteps were coming from the house. A young dark earth pony mare came, with a questionable look on her face. The white mare put the foal back on the basket then walked to the dark mare. She recognized her from a visit before. "Cover Glow, my friend, it's been a while since I've seen you," The dark mare said. "Hello Betsy, how is the village of earth ponies, do they need any help???"Cover Glow asked. "It's been going well, what brings you here???"Betsy asked. "Do you have anypony to take in my son as their own???"Cover Glow asked. "Wait, you had a son???"Betsy asked. Cover Glow nodded. "I named him Steve, I've been through a lot and I don't think I can take him with me, if I go back to my hometown and they find out who his father is, it might cause him trouble, if I leave him here, this village will welcome him and raise him"Cover Glow explained. Cover Glow started to tear up. "Please... It'll really mean a lot to me, I've seen his father die heroically..."Cover Glow murmured. She levitated on the foal in the basket then held him in her hooves. "Please..."Cover Glow repeated. Betsy thought then nodded. "Thank you..."Cover Glow murmured, hugging her. Cover Glow looked at the foal then kissed his cheek. "I'll miss you..."Cover Glow cooed. She gave the foal to Betsy. "I'll leave the basket here if you need it," Cover Glow said. Betsy nodded. "I'll miss you," Cover Glow said. "I'll miss you too," Betsy said. Cover Glow turned around then started running back to the forest. "Goodbye... Steve..."Cover Glow thought.

There was a light blue stallion unicorn with pure white eyes, staring down the mountain as he saw a mare down a village being given a foal that looks like him. "That must be the prince's son, too bad he won't be around to protect him"He murmured without opening his mouth. His mouth never opens, only when it's just expressions like when he growls or something like that, but not when he speak, laugh, or cry. He's been around for generations, and he knew this time might be the end of him for good. "I doubt that he'll stop me on his own, maybe he'll even have more weaknesses,"He thought. He grinned then started laughing at the thought of that, lightning struck behind him, then he turned and started to walk away.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now