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They had left the cave, it was dusk. Steve felt the autumn breeze around him. They were free, there won't be any monster lurking around. Steve and Alex started to walk toward the trees, everything was peaceful. "Wanna play chase???" Alex asked as she playfully nudged her flank against Steve's. Before he can respond, the light green mare started running into the forest. "Catch me if you can!!!" Alex playfully exclaimed. Steve smiled then started to chase her. Steve knew how fast she was once he caught up behind her. Alex looked backed and noticed Steve behind her then she started to speed up. Steve looked around to see any way on catching her besides using his horn. Alex was running to a path and beside the path was a ledge. Steve noticed that he can try to catch her by hopping onto her. He hopped on the ledge then started running to the direction Alex was running, he ran faster until Steve was nearly beside Alex. Alex stopped for a second and noticed Steve wasn't behind her, she looked around until she noticed Steve on the ledge. Steve jumped off of the ledge then crashed into Alex, hugging her as they rolled down the hill near. Steve felt like his wound on his neck opened a little but he was glad that the cloth was covering it up. Steve and Alex landed on a pile of leaves. Steve's saddlebag fell to the side. Steve was on top of her, facing her. "Seems like I got you" Steve chuckled. Alex started to laugh back. Once they stopped, there was silence. They were facing each other, making both of them blush. Steve looked at her beautiful green eyes for a moment then he lowered his face to hers, he felt himself locking his lips to Alex's. Both of them closing their eyes, Steve started to make out with her. They were going until they exchanged saliva. It felt good, he wished it could last forever. Steve laid his head on the leaves, wrapping his hoof around her Alex's back , then he started to doze off for the first time outside in the dark with her. "Free at last..."

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now