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"Guys, where's Alex???" Steve asked. Frank and Beth looked back. "Oh no... She was just behind me a minute ago" Beth replied. "Oh no...". "I gotta go find her, you guys wait here," Steve said as he dropped his saddlebag a front of them. He started running back on where they came from. Steve lightened up his horn even brighter. He heard ender ponies around the distance. The drifting snow started getting on his eyes. He kept running until he tripped. He glances at what it was then he realized that it was Alex's saddle bag. Steve stood up then looked around, he saw another lump of snow. Steve wiped some of the snow off then saw the light green coat. Steve immediately wiped all the snow off to reveal that Alex was on the ground, shivering rapidly. Steve levitated on her then put her on his back. Her body was very cold as ice. Steve started levitating on her saddlebag and bows and arrows. He was starting to walk back to the forest but the drifting snow blocked his view. He started feeling cold. He kept walking around, his legs started feeling limp. He tried to lighten up his horn but only a speck of light appeared. Steve collapsed and dropped the saddlebag and bow and arrows at the same time. Snow started covering Alex up. Steve started crawling toward her then laid himself on Alex so she wouldn't get covered by snow again. Steve vision started getting blurry. The light from his horn died down. Steve saw a blur of light orange and purple then closed his eyes, the only thing he felt was the cold snow covering him and Alex beneath him.

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