The Wolf

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Zamora was leading Steve and his friends out of the swamp. When they made it out of there, she turned to them. "I hope you find what you're looking for, good luck," Zamora said. "Thank you," Steve said. "Here," Zamora said, holding out four blue potions. "These are water breathing potions, they help you breathe underwater, each one last about a half an hour," Zamora said. Steve levitated on them then put it in his saddlebag. "Thanks again," Steve said. Zamora nodded then started walking back to the swamp. Steve started facing the forest that was leading to the mountain a front of the Rocky Ridge. He started leading them to it. "We're nearly there, it may just take a day or two," Steve said. "But that means we're gonna have to do to the forest???" Alex asked. "There is a path that leads around it" Beth pointed at a path that was going around the forest instead of through it. "I guess so, it may be safer," Steve said. Alex nodded. Steve started leading them to the path.

As they were walking, they heard a whimper around the distance. Steve, Frank, and Beth pulled out their swords while Alex pulled out her bow and arrows. There was movement coming from a bush until a wolf came, holding a pup. It started walking toward them until the wolf set the pup a front of them. The pup was gray with a light gray patch on its left eye and a fang sticking out of its mouth. The wolf glared at them then started to walk away into the forest. The pup looked scrawny and hungry. Steve and the others put the weapons back in their saddlebags. "Does she want us to keep it???" Frank asked. "I don't know, maybe it's been exiled or driven away from its pack" Steve said. Alex walked toward the pup then pulled out a piece of bread from her saddlebag then set it a front of the pup. The pup started sniffing at it curiously then started to eat it rapidly. "Wow, he sure is really hungry," Beth said. "Can we keep it???" Alex turned to Steve, excitement in her eyes. "I don't know, he can come with us until he's in good shape" Steve replied. Alex nodded in a "Good enough" way. "What shall we call it???" Frank asked. "How about Fang, he has a fang coming from his upper jaw" Alex suggested. "Sure," Steve said. He whistled, grabbing Fang attention. He started barking excitedly then started following him. Steve started leading them again.

While he was leading them, he stopped at a halt at a beautiful sight. It was a ledge with a waterfall near and autumn trees surrounding it. "This looks like a perfect place to build a house at!!!" Alex exclaimed. Fang started barking excitedly again. "Well get the wood ready, we'll be making a house," Steve said.

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