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They started running, following the path of the sand. Steve started to see the sandy hills, he looked up and saw smoke in the air. "Look" Alex pointed at a volcano. "We should probably get shelter, it looks like it might erupt any minute now," Steve said. "Maybe we can find a cave"Beth suggested. "Maybe near the ravine, or the mountains" Frank added. Steve looked around and saw the ravine then turned his head to the right and saw the mountains. "Maybe the mountains better, it's way farther and maybe a bit sturdier," Steve said. They started walking in the mountains.

When they arrived, the volcano started dripping lava at the edges. "Let's split up and look for a cave," Alex said. Steve nodded then started to run off to the mountainside. He searches carefully until he was feeling the heat in the air. "I need to hurry, don't think the volcano will hold on any longer"Steve started coughing, there were ashes coming from the air. He started running until he saw a deep opening on the mountainside. The cave looks large and dark but Steve needed the others to get shelter, he started running back to where the others were at. Alex noticed him then started running toward him. "Found anything???"Alex asked. Steve nodded. "It's pretty large and dark but it may be a good shelter for us" Steve replied. Frank and Beth started heading toward them. "Let's go then before we die from smoke inhalation," Frank said. "Alright, follow me" Steve started leading them to the cave.

"Here we are, does anypony have a large branch???"Steve asked. Beth nodded then gave him a thick branch. He shot his horn at it then flames started forming on the branch. "Okay, get your weapons ready, we're going in"

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now