Early Snowstorm

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Steve woke up, feeling a cold breeze surrounding him. He looked around, noticing the fire had burned out, the others were still asleep. He got up then walked toward the entrance, he levitated the large boulder then moved it aside. Snowflakes started pouring in. Steve stuck his head out and realized that it was snowing. He stepped on the snow, making a loud crunch. Steve started hearing hoofsteps behind him, he turned around and realized that it was Frank. "Hey," Frank said. "Hey" Steve replied. Frank walked to him then stood next to him. "Do you think we should go right now, we seem fit to go but in a weather like this, I'm not sure," Steve said. "It's up to you, maybe if we end up staying here, we'll freeze, but we should go right now before it gets any worse" Frank replied. "I guess your right, let's wake the others up," Steve said. Frank nodded. Steve went to wake up Alex while Frank went to wake Beth. Steve patted her shoulder, making her open her eyes. "Were leaving already???" Alex asked, followed by a yawn. Steve nodded. "Alright," Alex got up then got her saddlebag and bow and arrows. Steve levitated on his saddlebag then put it on his back. Frank and Beth were ready before them. "Let's go before the snow gets worse," Steve said. Steve started leading them out of the cave. He stepped on the crunchy snow then started walking to the forest they went at the day before. Steve looked up at the gloomy sky, more snow was starting to drift down faster. It was starting to look foggy. Steve lightened up his horn. "Follow the light, the snow is getting worse," Steve said to the others. He continued to lead them to the forest. 

They made it to the entrance of the forest. Steve looked back at the others. Alex wasn't there.

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