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 Steve blinked his eyes open. He was at a place where there were stars everywhere. A figure started walking toward him, as the figure got closer and closer, he realized that it was his foster mother. "Betsy!!!" Steve exclaimed. He ran toward the dark earth pony mare then hugged her. "I missed you..." Steve said. "Poor you, I haven't had the chance to tell you something when I was still alive," Betsy said. "Tell me what???" Steve asked. Betsy didn't reply, but instead, a white unicorn mare came. "Steve, this is your mother," Betsy said. There was a moment of silence. "My mother???" Steve asked. The white mare nodded. "I left you with Betsy so you wouldn't have a hard time living where I live," The white mare said. She walked closer to Steve then started hugging him. "My son, you've grown... Just like your father..." His mother said. There were hoofsteps. Another figure arrived. It was a tall blue alicorn stallion, he had a bluish-purple eye on the right and a pink eye like Steve's on the left. "Hello... My son... It's nice to finally meet you" The tall blue alicorn stallion said. "He's my father???!!! " His father walked toward him. "We've come to tell you on how proud we are of you," His father said. "Am I dead???" Steve asked. His mother and Betsy shook their heads. "No, your just unconscious" His mother replied. "We should be going, it's great seeing you again," Betsy said. Steve's parents and Betsy hugged him then started walking away.

Steve blinked his eyes open and realized that he was laying on the ground, he looked around and realized that he was inside of a building, there was a fireplace near, Frank and Beth were at the other side of the room, sleeping with each other. Steve glanced behind him and saw Alex behind him, covered with a blanket. He noticed a mare on a bed near, there was a shelf of medicine and a first-aid kit. "Steve???" He glanced behind him and realized Alex was shivering rapidly. "I'm cold..." Alex said quietly. Steve got up then quietly walked toward her then laid down next to her. "Get some rest, I'll try to warm you up" Steve murmured. Alex nodded then closed her eyes. Steve started wrapping his hooves around her. He extended the blanket around both of them then he drifted to sleep.

Two days later, Steve, Alex, Frank, and Beth left the building where they were healed at. They brought their saddlebags and weapons, the nurse gave them food and a first-aid kit before they left to continue the journey. Steve levitated on the map that was in his saddlebag then looked through it again. "Were near the Rocky Ridges, we should probably make it in a couple of days," Steve said. "We should probably stay here, just to prepare ourselves," Beth said. Steve nodded. "Good point, let's find ourselves a place to stay at while we stay here" Steve suggested. "Maybe we should split up, it might be faster," Frank said. "Ok, Alex will come with me while Frank and Beth check the other side of town," Steve said. They all nodded. Frank and Beth started walking away to the other side while Steve started leading Alex to the other side. "Are we gonna check each building???" Alex asked. Steve nodded. "Maybe we can find something useful for the journey," Steve said. He looked around, some of the buildings were lined up. There was a sign on one of them that said "Antique Shop". "Maybe we can check the Antique Shop, there could be something good, I've visited one before and I found some arrows," Alex said. "Alright, let's give it a try," Steve said. They walked in.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now