Into The Woods

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They finally arrived at the woods, the birds were singing, the tiny streams made calming noises, Steve actually liked the idea of going to the woods. Steve walked up to Alex. "Hey Alex, I want to thank you again for saving me, the village probably wouldn't make it if I got hurt or worse, I owe you one" Steve said as he tried to hide his light blushing. "Well I'm glad I came with you, I kinda owe you for letting me stay with you for a while," Alex said. "So... Where you from???"Steve asked. "Well... To be honest... I can't even remember"Alex replied. "Oh, so are you excited for what this journey may hold???"Steve asked. "Mostly but I'm kinda nervous, I didn't really have to do anything with some strange and maybe friend looking evil stallion would be the reason why, but I'm pretty enjoying it this far," Alex said. "Well glad you're enjoying it," Steve said. "Hey, guys??? I think I found something" Frank said ahead of them. Steve ran to Frank as he was pointing at the ground. They were hoofprints. "I think somepony might've been here before," Frank said. Steve examined it then turned to Frank. "It's pretty stale, maybe it was a monster or maybe another traveling pony," Steve said. "If you say so," Frank said as he started walking again. Steve waited a bit for Alex to catch up then he continued walking. He looked up the sky and realized that it was almost dusk. "We should make a place to stay," Alex said. "Like what???"Frank asked when he stopped. "Well, a treehouse is faster so I suggest that we do that"Alex replied. "What if spiders or phantoms come attacking???"Steve asked. "That's why we could have torches for light," Alex said. "So let's split and get some supplies, Alex, tell me what we'll be needing," Steve said.

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