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Steve held Alex's hoof tightly who was in pain. Alex looked at him. "Steve, I'm scared..." Alex said. "Your gonna be alright, I'm right here," Steve said. "Alright Miss Alex, your nearly there, just a couple of pushes then the first foal is out," The doctor said as he was delivering the twins. A moment later, Steve saw that another spasm of pain hit Alex, they started hearing a cry. "We got the first one, keep going," The doctor said as he gave the nurse the first foal so it can be cleaned up from the gunk. Alex's grip got harder as she screamed in agony. Steve didn't care how painful Alex's grip was, she was in so much pain so he's gonna have to feel it with her. There was another cry then Alex's grip lessened. Steve kissed Alex's sweaty face. "Congratulations, you have one colt and one filly," The doctor said. The doctor's assistant gave Alex the two foals who were both wrapped in blankets. "We'll give you a moment alone," The doctor said. Steve nodded. The doctor and the nurse left the room. Steve looked at Alex who was crying tears of joy, Steve felt like he was also crying tears of joy. He looked at the two foals, they were both unicorns with the same coat like his but very lighter, the difference was that the colt's mane was brown, almost like his but darker, and the filly's mane was black with a streak of gold. "Aren't they beautiful???" Alex cooed. "Their as beautiful as you are..." Steve murmured, kissing her on the cheek, making her smile. They looked back at the foals. "Welcome to the world, Jesse and Jessica..." Alex cooed.

The foals had finally opened their eyes, both of them had the same eyes as Alex's. Steve was feeding Jesse through the bottle while Alex feeds Jessica. Steve looked at Jesse until he made eye contact with him while eating. As Steve blinked, he started seeing Jesse and Jessica, but older, standing on a hill with other ponies and a piglet by his side. Once Steve blinked again, he was back to reality. "Did I just saw their future???!!! "

Six years later, Steve, Alex, and the twins were walking home, when they arrived, they were welcomed by Fang who was fully grown. The twins started playing with him and giving him belly rubs. "Jesse, Jessica, your mom and I are gonna go inside for a bit, be careful out there," Steve said. The twins nodded. "Ok daddy," Jessica said. "Fang will take care of us, isn't that right Fang???" Jesse turned to Fang who was wagging his tail. "Alright, we'll be out in a minute," Steve said. Steve and Alex walked into the house. "Are you sure Fang's fully trained???" Alex asked. "Of course, he's been a guard dog for three years, it wouldn't be hard for him to take care of the twins" Steve replied.

Half an hour later, Steve and Alex went outside. Steve noticed that Jesse and Jessica were with a dark mostly blue-gray pegasi filly, with an orange mane and a bandana being wrapped around her head by Jesse while Fang was sitting beside them and Jessica. "Kids, who is that???"

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now