Rocky Ridge

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Steve was packing the armor and the first-aid kit into his saddlebag. Alex was preparing her arrows. She put carrots in a bowl for Fang who started eating them. Steve grabbed his sword that was leaning against the wall next to the door. "You ready???" Steve asked. Alex nodded. Steve levitated on the potions they were given a couple of days earlier then put them in his saddlebag. "Let's go," Steve said. When he opened the door, Fang started walking toward him, wagging his tail. "Sorry Fang, you can't come, but we'll come back later," Steve said. Fang flattened his ears then sat down. "Good boy, we'll probably bring you something, I promise," Alex said. Steve and Alex walked out then closed the door behind them. Steve started leading her to the path that leads to the Rocky Ridge.

They were near to the Rocky Ridge, the was a cave on one of the sides. "So where are we supposed to go once we make it???" Alex asked. "Maybe in one of the caves" Steve replied, pointing at the cave. They started walking toward it. Once they arrived, Steve noticed some glowing blue in the cave. They heard a growl in there. Alex levitated on her arrows then shot where the sound was coming from, then there was a thud. They walked in and realized it was a monster. Steve started walking further into the cave until he saw a glowing crystal. "Wow," Alex said. Steve walked further and noticed that he stepped on water. He looked down and realized it was a large pond, he noticed more light blue glowing until he looked back up and realized there were more glowing crystals. "Is it fine if we take some???" Alex asked. "Go ahead, just make sure it's not poisonous" Steve replied. Alex nodded then started collecting some of the smallest crystals. A moment later she stood beside him, looking at the pond of water. "What's that???" Alex asked, pointing at the pool of water, Steve looked and noticed a blur of glowing green. "I don't know, but it'll probably tell us why we're here" Steve replied. Steve levitated on two of the potions and his sword from his bag then gave one to Alex. "Let's set these saddlebags beside then drink these on three then jump in, one two" Alex and Steve started drinking it at the same time then dived in. Steve was expecting to drown but he was actually breathing like as if it was air.

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