The News

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One month later, winter had begun, as the cold wind blew, it was snowing. Steve and Alex were walking back home. Steve knew they were getting closer but he realized that Alex was slowing down, she looked ill. "Alex, are you alright???" Steve asked. "Not really... I'm feeling pretty sick, I think I have nausea" Alex replied. "Well, we're getting close so by the time we get back home, I'll keep you warm and give you some medicine," Steve said. "I don't feel like I need to be warm, I feel like as if I'm in heat, maybe like a fever," Alex said. Steve walked toward her then put his hoof on her forehead. "Alex is right... She is hot"  Steve thought. "Maybe I'll get you some medicine and a glass of water," Steve said. "Ok, but you better..." Before Alex can finish, she vomited on the cold snow. "Oh no, I'll try to be back as soon as possible" Steve said with panic in his voice. He started running to the house as fast as he could. Steve slammed the door open then started getting a glass of water then started looking for medicine. As he was searching for the medicine, he heard a scream. "Steve!!! Help!!!" It was Alex, she was in trouble. Steve ran out the door, to find out that Alex was surrounded by vicious wolves. Steve ran back in, levitated his sword, then ran toward the pack of wolves. As he was getting closer, he could see there was only six of them, but they were large enough to fight a pair of bears. It doesn't matter to him, he will fight them to protect Alex, even if it costs his life. "Back off!!!" Steve yelled. The wolves turned around and started growling, with saliva dripping from their jaws. Steve started swinging his sword around to try to scare them off but they barely move a paw. He kept swinging to give him time to get to Alex. Before Steve gotten any closer, the largest wolf attacked him. Steve was on the ground with his sword between his face and the wolf. Steve couldn't push him off easily but he's got to try. He was holding the wolf off with all his strength while the wolf was trying to bite him, when the wolf barely bit Steve's ear, Steve kicked him off. The wolf slid on the ground then ran toward Steve. Steve swing his sword one more time, just to hit the wolf on the eye, half blinding him. The wolf whimpered then turned his face to show one of his eyes was pouring with blood, then it growled then ran off with his pack. Steve dropped his sword then headed toward Alex. "Alex, are you okay??? Did they hurt you???" Steve asked. Alex looked frightened. Her breathing was heavily fast. "Steve, you... your ear" Alex said. Steve touched his ear and noticed that it was barely bleeding. "I think it'll be fine, come on, let's get back home," Steve said.

Later, Steve dropped his sword by the door then cleaned his bloody ear. He noticed Fang napping on the couch. Alex sat on the floor, then he noticed that she started to cry. "Steve, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, I was really ill, I was so defenseless, I should've done something" Alex cried. "Alex, don't say that, it isn't your fault, you were just sick, it's alright," Steve said. "But... But your ear" Alex said. "Don't worry, it's not that bad, but what matters is that your safe, I'll protect you no matter what," Steve said as he held Alex's hoof. "Oh, Steve..." Alex said as she started tearing up again but it looked like tears of joy. Steve knew something was up. Alex showed Steve her belly. It has been growing round ever since. "We're becoming parents," Alex said. Steve was surprised. He was starting to tear up too. Excitement and pride rush through his heart. "This is amazing," Steve said with joy. He stood up and hugged her. "We've been through a lot on the journey, now that we stopped the monsters from the darkness and Herobrine, we're becoming a family". He noticed that Fang woke up from his nap, wagging his tail. "What do you think it's gonna be??? A colt or a filly???" Steve asked. "I think we're having twins" Alex replied. "I think so because it wouldn't be this round in one month if it's just one foal" Alex explained. "A father of two, even better" Steve sat next to her then put his hoof around her. "Alex, I know we're gonna love these foals with all our hearts," Steve said. "And no matter what, I'll protect you and the foals even if it costs my life"

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