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Nineteen years later, Steve is woken up from his rest, sorrow was still in his eyes. "I still can't believe she's... Gone..."Steve thought. A month before, the mare that has been raising him, died from a sickness, it has been a whole month without her. Steve slid off his bed then stood up. As he rubbed his eyes, he started levitating the fridge open then took out a glass of milk. He drank it then left the empty glass on the counter as he started to head to the door. He opened it and let the morning breeze welcome him outside. He walked out then took a step on the wet grass. Steve breathe deeply to enjoy the fresh morning. "Seems like a nice day to walk around the village"Steve thought. Steve started walking to the path that was leading to the busiest part of the village. As Steve got closer and closer, there was talking that was getting louder and louder. When he arrived at the heart of the village, there were ponies around. There were only earth ponies in the village, which makes Steve the only unicorn in the village. "Hi, Steve" Somepony called his name. Steve looked at the direction where he had been called to see his friend. "Hi Frank," Steve said. He walked up to the light orange earth pony stallion. "How have you been???"Frank asked. "Well... I'm just not used to living without her... But at least I'm in a better mood" Steve replied. "Cheer up, I know how hard it has been for you," Frank said as he patted Steve on his back. "Thanks," Steve said. "Well I should be going back to my farm, I got some work to do," Frank said. "Alright, see you later then," Steve said. "Bye," Frank said as he started to turn around. Steve continued walking in the direction he had been walking before then turned hearing clunky sounds. Steve looked and saw the village's blacksmith making a new axe. "Hi Elliot," Steve said waving. The bearded blacksmith turned to him. "Oh, hello Steve," The blacksmith said. "How're the tools???"Steve asked. "Good as usual"Elliot replied. "That's cool, did you fix my sword???"Steve asked. "Oh yeah, let me go get it for you," Elliot said as he paused his job then went inside. It was never safe in the dark, the village has lived under one rule, not to roam around in the dark of night, there would be monsters lurking around, and there are different types of monsters, but if their out in the sun, they'll burn to death, except one type of monster, so Steve always kept a sword with him just in case he doesn't make it to shelter before dark or bumps into a creeper. Elliot came back with an iron sword. "Good as new"Elliot said as he gave it to Steve. "Thanks, well I'm gonna go now, see ya," Steve said. "See you later," Elliot said. Steve continued walking until he heard somepony panicking. He turned to see who it was and it was a stallion that owns the apple stand. The stallion was digging in his chest then he closed it then noticed Steve. "Hey you, can you do me a favor???"The stallion asked. "Well, I don't have much to do today so sure"Steve replied as he went close to the stand. "Thanks, can you keep an eye on the stand while I get some more apples???"The stallion asked. "Sure," Steve said as he walked next to the stallion. "Thanks again, I'll be back in about, maybe five to ten minutes," The stallion said as he grabbed his saddlebag then put it around him. "Wait, what if somepony comes here to buy something???"Steve asked when the stallion was about to leave. "You can give them what they needed but tell them that we don't have enough apples, if they asked for at least five things, tell them that it would be two emeralds," The stallion said. "Alright," Steve said as he stood behind the stand. "Good luck," The stallion said then started running off. "I'm pretty sure this is gonna be a piece of cake," Steve thought.

Steve was waiting, he was sitting on the ground. "It's been five minutes, he should probably be on his way," Steve thought. He looked around, left to right, to check if anypony was coming. When he looked across, he couldn't believe his eyes, he noticed it was beautiful, light green, orange-maned unicorn mare with a saddlebag on her back heading to the stand. "I'm not the only unicorn..."Steve thought.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now