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"We'll be needing wood of course, and some sticks and coal for the torches," Alex said. "Oh no, we forgot a pickaxe and an axe," Steve said. "Then use this"Alex said, pointing at her horn. "Our magic???"Steve asked. Alex nodded. "Alright then, I'll go look for coal, Alex, you can find some food and Frank will look for a spot to stay," Steve said. Alex and Frank nodded then started splitting up. Steve ran to a small dark cave that has a small opening on the ceiling. "Maybe there might be some coal here..." Steve murmured. He walked inside then lit up his horn. He looked around until he saw coal stuck on the wall. He walked up to it then tried to pull it but it didn't move. He shot magic at it, causing the wall to break into pieces. He levitated the two pieces of coal then put it in his saddlebag. "Alright, got the coal, time to head back," Steve thought. He started running back to where the others were at earlier. When he arrived a tree started falling toward him. He dodged it before it can crash onto him. Alex ran to him. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" Alex apologized. "It's alright, I got the coal," Steve said. "I got the sticks," Alex said. Frank came running. "Guy's, I found an abandoned treehouse, it doesn't have a roof but it looks sturdy enough to hold on," Frank said. "Lead us," Steve said. Frank started walking as Steve and Alex followed.

When they arrived, Frank pointed at a tree. "Look, there it is," Frank said. Steve looked and realized there was a ladder. Frank started climbing the ladder then Steve and Alex followed. When they arrived at the top, there was a fence-like wall and in the middle was a fire bed. "We could make a bond fire without burning anything," Alex said. "Alright, put the sticks here," Steve said, pointing at the fire bed. Alex put the sticks on the fire bed then Steve levitated the coals in his saddlebag then puts it on the fire bed. He pointed his horn at the fire bed then shot magic at it, causing a small fire to rise.

The sun was setting, Steve laid down near the bond fire and Alex sitting next to him. Frank was sitting across them. "So... Got some stories???"Frank asked. "Yeah... Good idea... I got one" Steve said.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now