Building A House

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Steve was in the forest, collecting wood. Fang was standing by his side, wagging his tail. Once Steve finished, he whistled then Fang started following him. Steve went back to the waterfall, with a house half built at the side. Beth was flying in the air, working on the roof, while Frank and Alex were making the walls. Steve walked toward them then set the wood beside them. "The walls are nearly finished, we'll be able to put them on later," Frank said. Steve nodded. 

They finished making the walls, they started setting them on each side of the house, Steve went back to the village earlier and got the items they need to make the house. Beth was helping them put the walls upon the house, she, later on, started putting the screws in to make it sturdier. They continued until they finished all the walls. The went up the roof then started setting planks on it and waterproofing them so it can prevent leaks when it rains. They started making the rooms inside then painted them and made the floors. As soon as they finished, they went outside then took a look at it. "Well, we're finished, we can add the furniture now," Steve said. Frank nodded. "Beth and I will go," Frank said. "Alright, hurry up before it's dusk, we only got two hours," Steve said. "Alright, come on Beth, let's go, " Frank said. Beth nodded then started following him as he started leading her to the village. Steve looked at Alex who was giving Fang a belly rub. "Isn't he adorable???" Alex asked. "He sure is" Steve nodded in agreement. He looked at the house. Steve reached into his saddlebag and found the apple, he split it in half then gave one of the halves to Alex. "Here, a quick snack" Steve said, levitating the apple a front of her. She grabbed it. "Thanks," Alex said. Steve looked at Fang and noticed that he was eating the grass beneath him. "Do you think he's a vegetarian???" Alex asked. "Lemme see," Steve said. He split his apple slice then set it on the ground. Fang started sniffing at it then started eating it rapidly. "I think he is," Steve said. Steve looked at his apple then started eating it, he finished it until the seeds were on his hoof. Steve looked at the side of the house then started walking toward it. He looked at the ground then started digging it, he noticed Alex beside him, she started helping him dig, when the hole was big enough, Steve noticed Alex had seeds too, he nodded at her, telling her that they'll put the seeds in the hole at the same time. They set the seeds in then started filling in the hole at the same time. Once they finished, Steve realized that he saw grabbing Alex's hoof, they looked at each other on the eyes, blushing, there was a moment of silence. "Steve... Can I tell you something???" Alex asked. "Sure, what is it???" Steve asked. There was a moment of silence until Fang started barking, grabbing their attention. "Guys, can you help us, we can't hold the couch" The voice belonged to Frank. Steve looked back at Alex. "What were you gonna tell me???" Steve asked. "Ne... Nevermind that right now, let's help the others" Alex shook her head. "Alright," Steve said as he started leading Alex and Fang to the others.

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