The Visitor

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Steve stood up, and he can tell that he's blushing a little. His heart felt like it was beating outside of his chest. He had never encountered another unicorn before, he never had to explore outside of his village. "Um, hello??? I think you just paused there for a bit"The light green unicorn mare said. "What should I say???!!! What should I say???!!!"Steve thought. "Uh, I...I'm sor...sorry" Steve stuttered nervously. "It's alright, do you have five apples???"The unicorn mare asked. "No!!! We don't have enough!!! But I can't tell her we're out, I don't wanna be rude to another unicorn, I think I have a crush on her already for crying out loud!!!"Steve thought. "Okay, for five apples that'll be two emeralds," Steve said. The light green mare nodded then levitated on two emeralds. "You can leave them on the counter while I get your food," Steve said. The light green mare sets them on the counter on the stand. Steve walked up to the chest then opened it. "Ok, let's see here..." Steve murmured. He dug in there and found only three. He levitated them on the counter. "I hate to break it to you but there's only three left," Steve said. "Can I help???"The light green mare asked. "Well, I'm already helping with..."Before Steve can finish, the light green unicorn mare shot magic out of her horn at the apple then three appear next to the other three. Steve was shocked. "How did you do that???"Steve asked. "It's easy, just point your horn on what you want to duplicate then think about the duplication spell then, yeah I guess that's all," The light green mare said as she levitated five of the apples into her saddlebag. "Can you teach me???"Steve asked. "Sure, we just need some place to study," The light green mare said. "Well I gotta wait till the owner of this stand comes back," Steve said. Before the light green mare was about to speak, the stallion that owns the stand came back. "I'm back... Sorry for the long wait"The stallion said breathing for air. Steve levitated on the two emeralds then a front of the stallion. "It's alright, you can have it," The stallion said. "Thanks," Steve said as he levitated on his sword that was lying against the wall then left the stand. He went outside to the light green unicorn mare. "We can study at my house," Steve said. "Ok," The light green mare said. Steve started leading the way. "I never got your name," Steve said. "It's Alex," The green unicorn mare said. "Well nice to meet you, Alex, I'm Steve, and just to point out, we're currently the only unicorns here," Steve said. "So you're the only unicorn in this village before I came???"Alex asked. Steve nodded. "And you've never met another unicorn till now???"Alex added. Once again, Steve nodded. "Well guess I came at the right time," Alex said. "Wanna be friends???"Alex asked as she turned to him. "Sure" Steve replied.

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