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The Antique Shop was dark, it was lightened up by candles. Steve and Alex looked around. There were dishes and barrels around. Steve glanced at the door and noticed armor on a stand. "Hmm... This armor looks useful, maybe we should buy it" Steve said. Alex nodded in agreement. "But where's the pony that owns the place??? It said it was open" Alex said. "Maybe, they're on a break," Steve said. Steve looked around and saw a storage room. "Let's check the storage room" Steve suggested. Alex nodded. They walked in after Steve levitated the door open then it slammed shut behind them. "What the!!!" Steve tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. "Hello!!! Is anypony out there??? Get us out!!!" Alex said loudly. Steve looked around and saw a small window, he walked toward it. He looked out but only saw the mountains. "Alex, come over here for a sec," Steve said. Alex walked up to him. "Is this glass breakable???" Steve asked. Alex touched it then shook her head. "No, it's thick" Alex replied. The door behind them opened then suddenly shut again. They both glanced to see that it was Frank. He was stuck in there with them. "I thought I heard you guys, what's with the door???" Frank asked. "I don't know, but now we're all stuck" Steve replied. "Then this place is haunted" Frank grunted as he leaned against the wall. "Beth can get us out of here," Alex said. "Frank isn't she with you???" Steve asked. "She was, but I told her to wait because I thought I heard you guys" Frank replied. Steve sighed. The door suddenly kicked open, to reveal Beth was the one who kicked it. "It's been five minutes then all of you managed to get stuck by a foal" Beth sighed. "A what???" Frank asked. Beth stepped aside to reveal a unicorn foal, giggling. A stallion walked in then grabbed the foal. "There you are, I've been looking for you," The stallion said, hugging the foal. The stallion noticed the others. "Sorry about what my son did, he's an early bloomer, I suppose you're here to buy something," The stallion said. Steve nodded. "We're here for the armor," Steve said. "That old thing??? Well, sure thing, that'll be five emeralds" The stallion said. Steve nodded then levitated into his saddlebag and levitated on an emerald then duplicate it into fives then gave it to the stallion. "I'll give you an extra saddlebag to fit that armor in, to make up on what my son did," The stallion said. "Thanks," Steve said. The stallion packed the armor into the saddlebag then gave it to him. "Here you go, enjoy," The stallion said. Steve nodded then walked out with his friends.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now