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"Are you sure Jessica's fine taking care of Beacon Town while were gone???" Jesse asked. Petra glanced at him and noticed he looked saddened. "Don't worry, you two are my closest friends, I know you guys, I know you two are very close but it's gonna be just a couple of days" Petra replied. "I hope your right, we helped Stella rebuild Champion City and Beacon Town is finally fixed, but I have never been so close to her, ever since that storm took my parents away, I'm losing hope, I don't think they'll be able to find me and my sister" Jesse said. He started to tear up. "Hey, don't give up hope yet, I'm pretty sure you'll see them again, how about we check that hill where it leads to Equestria, maybe we can put a sign there as a reminder or something" Petra suggested. Jesse sighed. "I hope your right" Jesse said. There was a sound of rustling leaves behind them. They both glanced and noticed it was Lluna, the llama. "Oh hey Lluna, you came back," Jesse said. Lluna ran toward them the sat next to Petra. Petra started looking at the stars and the moon. "Let's get some sleep," Jesse said as he laid down. Petra nodded then laid down next to him, wrapping her wing around him. Lluna joined them. Petra slowly closed her eyes then went to sleep.

"You think you got enough wood to make a sign???" Jesse asked. Petra nodded. They were walking to the hill that came up after the earthquake that leads to Equestria. Petra noticed ponies walking toward them at the other side. Petra could make out three alicorns, one of them was a small pink-purplish alicorn mare, the second is a yellow alicorn stallion, the third is a purple alicorn mare, there was a dark unicorn walking next to the purple alicorn mare, there was also a green pegasi stallion, the same size as the small alicorn, was walking next to her but the two ponies walking next to the green pegasi were very familiar. Petra dropped the wood. Jesse looked at her. "What's wrong???" Jesse asked. Petra didn't answer, she kept staring at them. Jesse looked at her direction then gasped. She noticed that Lluna was looking in the same direction. The pink-purplish alicorn mare was running toward them then stopped at a halt then gasped then looked back at the others. The other ponies caught up. The blue stallion and the green mare unicorns were looking at them in shock. "Jesse's and Jessica's parents..."

[That's the end of Steve's Journey, I hope y 'all enjoyed this book, and check out my other books to this series if you want but if you check them out, at least one chapter, that will be really appreciated, I'm gonna take a two day break then start working on some other books, three new ones for this series,  one of them is called Lucky Gear's Promise, which will be as long as this book maybe, Petra's Silence, this book takes place right after Steve's Journey which I will work on soon, and Last Week Of School, which also takes place after Steve's Journey and will be Frank and Beth's daughter point of view and if you want to check my very first book, Breezylight's Story, and spoilers, Steve and Alex appears in that book too, so thank you all for reading and until next time, bye!!!]

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