Forming Friendships

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They arrived back at the treehouse with Beth. Steve climbed the ladder then saw Alex putting out the fire. "Hey Alex, we're back," Steve said. "Oh hey, did you get the saddlebag back???"Steve nodded. Frank and Beth went up the ladder. "Oh, who's this???"Alex asked. "This is Beth"Frank pointed at the pegasi. "Well... Nice meeting you"Alex said as she started shaking Beth's hoof. "Well, we should be going, got everything???"Steve asked. Alex and Frank nodded. "Alright, let's go" Steve started climbing down the ladder then got off. He waited for the others to get off. When Alex got off, she headed toward Steve. "Hey Steve, I saw the desert that was from the map, I saw it from the treehouse," Alex said. "How close are we???" Steve asked. "Well I don't know, I only saw the hill"Alex replied. Steve looked back and noticed Frank and Beth walking behind them, talking. "So what do you think of Beth???"Steve turned to Alex. "She seems quiet"Alex looked back then back to Steve. "Yeah, she's probably not used to being with us, Frank probably has a small crush on her"Steve chuckled. "Hmm, is she the pony that stole the saddlebag" Steve nodded. "Then why did she want to come with us and how do you manage to catch her???" Alex asked. "Well since Frank was the fastest, he hopped on Beth when he realized there was a skeleton ahead, then Beth gave us the saddlebag back then ran off, right before we started heading back we heard a scream, then Frank ran to the dark part of the woods where Beth ran off to, then he saved her from an enderpony, we gave her the spare sword and some carrots then she asked if she may join us"Steve explained. Alex nodded. There was some moment of silence for a minute or two until Alex spoke. "I enjoy having you as a friend" She started brushing her pelt against Steve's. He lightly started blushing. Something like karma but it kinda involves love or being loved instead. "I wonder if she has a crush on me too" Steve was starting to feel soft, familiar feeling under his hooves. He lifted his hooves then looked at it. He saw some flaky, tannish salt. "It's sand!!!". "Guy's, we must be getting close!!!"Steve exclaimed.

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