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As they walked in, the cave lightens up, revealing sharped edges and a ravine at the left. "Guys... I think the volcano is about to erupt..."Beth flattened her ears as she looked back. Steve could smell the smoke already. "Let's block the entrance before we end up dying from smoke inhalation," Steve said. He started levitated on a giant boulder and put it on the entrance, blocking the daylight. "Wow, you got the strong magic," Frank said. "Well I haven't used all of its strength before so I saved that energy," Steve said as he levitated the torch to the side of the room. Alex started lightening her horn, Steve did the same. They were hearing growls coming from the corner. "That sounds like a monster" Beth said. Alex grabbed her bow and arrow then shot where the noise was coming from, then there was a thud. Steve whistle impressively. "How about Beth and I check out the hall and see what's there???"Frank suggested. "Ok, if there's an opening there, try to block it," Steve said. "Alright" Frank and Beth started to walk to the hall of the cave. The room lightens up more, Steve turned to Alex to see her making a campfire. "Wanna check this place out for a bit???"Alex asked. "Sure" Steve nodded. Steve caught up with Alex as she started walking into the ravine. Steve hopped to the other side of it across Alex. It was very deep, all there was darkness. "Hmm... Seem dangerous... We should add a surrounding as a warning so Nopony can fall in"Alex said. "Alright," Steve said. As Alex turned around, the ground started shaking rapidly. A loud thundering noise was coming from outside. "The volcano had erupted!!!" Alex slipped on the ravine, hanging on the edge. The shaking had stopped. "Steve!!!"Alex yelled. Steve hopped to the other side of the ravine, facing Alex. "Hold on" Steve said. Alex hind legs were kicking, causing small pebbles to fall down the ravine. "Don't move, you'll fall," Steve said. Alex stopped moving her hind legs, Steve can hear her panicked breathing. "Grab my hoof" Steve tried to grab Alex's. Alex quickly grabbed it. "Ok, use your hind legs to walk up, don't look down the ravine," Steve said. Alex looked at her hind legs to see if she was stepping on the way but she look at the bottom of the ravine. Her breathing became harder. "Don't look... Look at me... Look at my eyes and nothing else..."Steve said. Alex looked at Steve, staring into his eyes. "Steve... I'm scared..."Alex gasped. "You'll be fine, use your hind legs to help you up, I'll help you," Steve said as he started blushing lightly. As Alex used her hind legs, Steve grabbed Alex's other hoof. Her hind legs made it out of the ravine. "See??? Your alright" Steve said as he let go of Alex's hooves. Alex looked back at the ravine then back to Steve. She lurched at him then hugged him. "You saved my life... Thank you..."Alex murmured which sounded like sobbing. Steve patted her on the back then hugged back, after the hug broke up, a voice called to them. "What's going on???"The voice belonged to Frank. Steve glanced and saw Frank and Beth standing by. "You guys ok??? The volcano erupted" Beth said. "Yeah we're ok, Alex just slipped on the ravine from the earthquake," Steve said. "Oh..."Frank said. "Alex, sit by the campfire with Beth to calm down a bit" Steve turned to Alex. She nodded. "Frank, come with me, we're gonna check to if it's safe outside," Steve said. "Ok," Frank said. They walked to the entrance, Steve used his horn to move the giant boulder. As he moved it, the smell of smoke was burning in his lungs, Steve coughed. Steve and Frank walked out. It was all gray, ash was falling through the air like snow. There was ash covering the sand. There was heat on the air. "I don't think we can go on like this, we have to wait for it to wear off," Steve said. They walked inside. Steve closed the entrance behind them and walked toward the campfire. "What did you see at the hall???"Steve asked. "There was a watering hole, we could drink from there," Frank said. "Guess we'll be in here for a while..."Steve sighed.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now