The Fight

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Alex pulled out her bow and arrows then got ready to shoot. Herobrine teleported to her then slammed her against the wall, having her head hit against it, falling unconscious. "Alex!!!" Steve yelled. He turned to Herobrine who was grinning. Steve lurched at him until Herobrine teleported out of the way. He looked around until he's been slammed against the wall, held by the neck, Herobrine took off the helmet he was wearing then started levitating on a knife he barely noticed. Herobrine grabbed the knife then grinned, beginning to slit his neck. There was a tear-jerking pain Steve felt, he felt his own blood trickling down his neck. He was staring at Herobrine straight in the eyes until he noticed Alex's body at the side of the cave. "I always knew you had more weaknesses, you're even weaker than your father" Herobrine grinned. Steve felt his tears pouring, seeing Alex in pain probably, he looked up then notices a sharp stalactite on the ceiling, he looked back at Herobrine. Full of anger, he kicked his hind legs, causing Herobrine to collapse. Steve shot his horn at the stalactite, dislodging it, it impaled Herobrine who was about to get up. Herobrine slammed down to the ground, his eyes turning to black, blood pouring from his lifeless body. Steve stared at it for a moment, suddenly Herobrine's body started fading to dust. Once the last of him faded. Steve walked toward Alex who was still laying on the ground. He sat beside her, he started to feel dizzy. Steve shook Alex's shoulder, making her twitch. She slightly opened her eyes in confusion then started rubbing her head. "Uh... What happened???" Alex asked. She looked at Steve then noticed he was bleeding. "Thank goodness your ok," Steve said. "But what about you??? Your bleeding" Alex said. Steve levitated on the first-aid kit in his saddlebag then gave it to Alex. "You can wrap it for me" Steve said. There was a moment of silence then Alex nodded. After she finished wrapping his wound, Alex hugged him, Steve hugged her back. "We don't get to worry about monsters anymore, they're gone for good" Steve said.

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