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Steve looked at the map again, Alex looking at it beside him. "According to the map, it says that we have to find some cave in the ledge," Steve said. "But do you know which way to go???" Alex asked. "I assume through the forest" Steve replied. They started walking toward the forest that was on the other side of the path. "What if it's a trap, what if Herobrine is trying to kill you???" Alex asked. "Then we're gonna have to prepare ourselves" Steve replied. They walked deeper into the forest. "She's right, what if Herobrine is planning to kill me??? I need to keep her safe". Steve stopped. He reached into his saddlebag then pulled out the armor. "I wear the helmet, you wear the rest of the armor," Steve said. "What???!!! No, I can't!!! You need them!!!" Alex said shockingly. "Please, put them on" Steve begged. "No!!!" Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. She began to run off. "Alex!!! Wait!!!" Steve called out to her but she continued to run deeper into the woods. Steve put the armor back in his saddlebag then started to run after her. Steve realized that he was beside the ledge. "Alex!!! Where are you???!!!" Steve called out. He looked around and noticed a cave, there were the sounds of sobbing coming from it. Steve ran toward it and realized that Alex was sitting there, crying. "Alex... What's wrong???" Steve asked. "Ever since I came with you for this journey, I've been having this feeling toward you, you were kind, trustworthy, and protective, and..." Alex paused as she was sobbing. Steve sat in front of her. "And???" Steve asked. "I don't want to lose you, I... I... I love you..." Alex replied. There was a moment of silence. Steve grabbed Alex's hoof then wiped her tears. He leaned forward then kissed her. There was a surprised look on her face until she closed her eyes. A couple of seconds later, Steve finished then looked at her on the eyes. "I love you too..." Steve murmured. Alex started smiling. "Come on, you'll put the armor on," Steve said as he stood up. Alex nodded. Steve gave her the armor then she put it on while Steve levitated on his helmet then set it on his head. He levitated on his sword. "It's time to stop Herobrine," Steve said. "Oh, your talking about me???" An eerie voice said in the darkness. Steve looked to the darker side of the cave to see white pure glowing eyes looking at them.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now